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Publications »O'Hea, Margaret«

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RI opac: 10 Entries

1Sachtitel  [Bibliographie]
O'Hea, Margaret. (2016)

2Articles  Early Byzantine encolpia and Images of Holy Sepulchre Shrines, from Tomb 39A at Pella in Jordan
O'Hea, Margaret. (2023) - In: Byzantion vol. 93 (2023) p. 123-156

3Articles  Biography through tomb-goods revisiting Pella's byzantine tomb 39A
O'Hea, Margaret. (2021 - 2022) - In: Mediterranean archaeology vol. 34/35 (2021/22) p. 117-130

4Essay  How clean is your (glass)house?: A Late Antique glass workshop at Pella in Jordan
O'Hea, Margaret. (2018) - In: Things that travelled. Mediterranean glass in the first millennium CE p. 215-235

5Essay  Other material finds from Tawahin es-Sukkar and Khirbet Sheikh ‘Isa
O'Hea, MargaretTreadwell, LukeJones, Richard E.. (2017) - In: Sweet waste. Medieval sugar production in the Mediterranean p. ??

6Essay  Glass in Late Antiquity in The Near East
O'Hea, Margaret. (2007) - In: Technology in transition A.D. 300 - 650 p. 233-250

7Essay  Late Hellenistic Glass from Some Military and Civilian Sites in the Levant
O'Hea, Margaret. (2005) - In: Annales du 16e congrès de l'Association Internationale pour l'Histoire du Verre p. 48-52

8Essay  Some Problems in Early Islamic Glass
O'Hea, Margaret. (2003) - In: Annales du 15e Congrès de l'Association Internationale pour l'Histoire du Verre p. 133-137

9Essay  Make-up, mirrors and men: some early Byzantine glass from Syro-Palestine
O'Hea, Margaret. (2000) - In: Annales du 14e Congrès de l'Association Internationale pour l'Histoire du Verre Annales du 14e Congrès de l'Association Internationale pour l'Histoire du Verre p. 219-222

10Articles  The glass industry of Pella and the Decapolis
O'Hea, Margaret. (1992) - In: Aram periodical vol. 4 (1992) p. 253-264

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