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Publications »Robinson, James T.«

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RI opac: 28 Entries

1Collection of Essays  Medieval Jewish philosophy and its literary forms
Hughes, Aaron WilliamRobinson, James T. [Publ.]. - Bloomington, Ind. (2019)

2Collection of Essays  Maimonides' Guide of the perplexed in translation: a history from the thirteenth century to the twentieth
Stern, JosefRobinson, James T.Shemesh, Yhonatan [Publ.]. - Chicago, Ill. [u.a.] (2019)

3Monographie  The Arabic translation and commentary of Yefet ben 'Eli the Karaite on the book of Joshua
Robinson, James T.. - Leiden [u.a.] (2015)

4Collection of Essays  The Cultures of Maimonideanism. New Approaches to the History of Jewish Thought
Robinson, James T. [Publ.]. - Leiden (2009)

5Monographie  Samuel Ibn Tibbon's Commentary on Ecclesiastes: the book of the soul of man
Ibn-Tibon, Shemuel ben Yehudah. Robinson, James T. [Publ.]. - Tübingen (2007)

6Monographie  Samuel Ibn Tibbon's "Commentary on Ecclesiastes"
Robinson, James T.. - [Harvard University] (2002)

7Articles  Secrets of Qohelet: Toward an Exegetical History of a Biblical Text during the Middle Ages
Robinson, James T.. (2022) - In: Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy vol. 30 (2022) p. 90-113

8Articles  The "Secret of the Heavens" and the "Secret of Number": Immanuel of Rome's Mathematical Supercommentaries on Abraham Ibn Ezra in His Commentary on Qohelet 5:7 and 7:27
Robinson, James T.. (2021) - In: Aleph vol. 21 (2021) p. 279-308

9Essay  Lexicons and Lexicography in Medieval Jewish Philosophy
Robinson, James T.. (2019) - In: Medieval Jewish philosophy and its literary forms p. 313-336

10Essay  On or above the Ladder? Maimonidean and anti-Maimonidean Readings of Jacob's Ladder
Robinson, James T.. (2019) - In: Interpreting Maimonides. Critical essays p. 85-98

11Essay  Introduction
Hughes, Aaron WilliamRobinson, James T.. (2019) - In: Medieval Jewish philosophy and its literary forms p. 1-7

12Essay  Languages and translations
Bunis, David MarcRobinson, James T.. (2018) - In: The Cambridge History of Judaism Pt. 6 p. 485-534

13Essay  Maimonides, Moses
Robinson, James T.. (2015) - In: Oxford bibliographies online

14Essay  Al-Farabi, Avicenna, and Averroes in Hebrew: Remarks on the indirect transmission of Arabic-Islamic philosophy in medieval Judaism
Robinson, James T.. (2012) - In: The Judeo-Christian-Islamic heritage p. 59-87

15Essay  Philosophical Psychology, Jewish Tradition
Robinson, James T.. (2011) - In: Encyclopedia of medieval philosophy. Philosophy between 500 and 1500 p. 982-990

16Essay  Philosophy and Science in Medieval Jewish Commentaries on the Bible
Robinson, James T.. (2011) - In: Science in medieval Jewish cultures p. 454-475

17Essay  Secondary Forms of Philosophy: On the Teaching and Transmission of Philosophy in Non-Philosophical Literary Genres
Robinson, James T.. (2011) - In: Vehicles of transmission, translation, and transformation in medieval textual culture p. 235-248

18Articles  Samuel Ibn Tibbon's "Peruš ha-Millot ha-Zarot" and al-Fa-ra-bi-'s" Eisagoge" and "Categories".
Robinson, James T.. (2009) - In: Aleph vol. 9 (2009) p. 41-76

19Essay  Art. Thibbon, Ibn (Tibbonids)
Robinson, James T.Melammed, Uri. (2007) - In: Encyclopaedia Judaica (2007) Pt. 19 p. 712-714

20Articles  Rabbi Jeruham b. Meshullam, Michael Scot, and the development of Jewish law in fourteenth-century Spain
Galinsky, Judah D.Robinson, James T.. (2007) - In: The Harvard theological review vol. 100 (2007) p. 489-504

21Essay  Maimonides, Samuel Ibn Tibbon, and the Construction of a Jewish Tradition of Philosophy
Robinson, James T.. (2007) - In: Maimonides after 800 years. Essays on Maimonides and his influence p. 291-306

22Essay  The Ibn Tibbon Family: A Dynasty of Translators in Medieval "Provence"
Robinson, James T.. (2005) - In: Studies Isadore Twersky (2005) p. 193-224

23Articles  From Digression to Compilation: Samuel ibn Tibbon and Immanuel of Rome on Genesis 1:11, 1:14, and 1:20
Robinson, James T.. (2004) - In: Zutot vol. 4 (2004) p. 79-95

24Articles  Some Remarks on the Source of Maimonides' Plato in Guide of the Perplexed I.17
Robinson, James T.. (2003) - In: Zutot vol. 3 (2003) p. 49-57

25Articles  The first references in Hebrew to al-Bitruji's "On the Principles of Astronomy"
Robinson, James T.. (2003) - In: Aleph vol. 3 (2003) p. 145-163

26Essay  Hasdai Crescas and anti-Aristotelianism
Robinson, James T.. (2003) - In: The Cambridge Companion to Medieval Jewish Philosophy p. 391-413

27Essay  Samuel ibn Tibbon's "Commentary on Ecclesiastes" and the philosopher's prooemium
Robinson, James T.. (2000) - In: Studies in medieval Jewish history and literature Pt. 3 p. 83-146

28Essay  Gershom ben Solomon's "Sha'ar ha-Shamayim"; its sources and use of sources
Robinson, James T.. (2000) - In: The Medieval Hebrew Encyclopedias of Science and Philosophy p. 248-274

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