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Publications »Ruys, Juanita Feros«

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RI opac: 46 Entries

1Collection of Essays  Before emotion: the language of feeling, 400-1800
Ruys, Juanita FerosChampion, Michael W.Essary, Kirk [Publ.]. - New York, NY (2019)

2Collection of Essays  A cultural history of the emotions. 2: A cultural history of the emotions in the Medieval Age
Ruys, Juanita FerosMonagle, Clare [Publ.]. - London [u.a.] (2019)

3Collection of Essays  The Anglo-Latin "Gesta Romanorum" from Oxford, Bodleian Library, Douce MS 310
Bright, Philippa M.Speed, DianeRuys, Juanita Feros [Publ.]. - Oxford (2019)

4Sachtitel  [Bibliographie]
Ruys, Juanita Feros. - s.l. (2018)

5Monographie  Demons in the Middle Ages
Ruys, Juanita Feros. - Kalamazoo, Mich. (2017)

6Monographie  The repentant Abelard: family, gender, and ethics in Peter Abelard's Carmen ad Astralabium and Planctus
Ruys, Juanita Feros. - New York, NY (2014)

7Collection of Essays  The Classics in the Medieval and Renaissance Classroom: the Role of Ancient Texts in the Arts Curriculum As Revealed by Surviving Manuscripts and Early Printed Books
Ruys, Juanita FerosWard, John O.Heyworth, Melanie [Publ.]. - Turnhout (2011)

8Collection of Essays  Latinity and alterity in the early modern period
Haskell, YasminRuys, Juanita Feros [Publ.]. - Tempe, Ariz. [u.a.] (2010)

9Collection of Essays  What nature does not teach: didactic literature in the medieval and early modern periods
Ruys, Juanita Feros [Publ.]. - Turnhout (2008)

10Collection of Essays  Maistresse of my wit: Medieval women, modern scholars
D'Arcens, LouiseRuys, Juanita Feros [Publ.]. - Turnhout (2004)

11Essay  ‘The Devil and Other Demons'. Lateran IV and the Problem of the Demonic Hierarchies
Ruys, Juanita Feros. (2022) - In: Lateran IV. Theology and care of souls p. 71-86

12Articles  History of emotions: Where are we?
Stearns, P.White, R.Moore, G.Bailey, M.McIlvenna, U.Essary, K.Ruys, Juanita Feros. (2021) - In: Emotions. History, Culture, Society vol. 5 (2021) p. 331-354

13Essay  Carnal Compassion: Peter Abelard's Conflicted Approach to Empathy
Ruys, Juanita Feros. (2021) - In: The Intellectual Dynamism of the High Middle Ages p. 25-42

14Essay  Literature
Ruys, Juanita Feros. (2019) - In: A cultural history of the emotions 2 p. 101-118

15Essay  Introduction: The Language of Affect from Late Antiquity to Early Modernity
Ruys, Juanita FerosChampion, Michael W.Essary, Kirk. (2019) - In: Before emotion. The language of feeling, 400-1800 p. 1-7

16Essay  Before the Affective Turn: Affectus in Heloise, Abelard, and the Woman Writer of the Epistolae duorum amantium
Ruys, Juanita Feros. (2019) - In: Before emotion. The language of feeling, 400-1800 p. 61-75

17Essay  From Virtue Ethics to Emotional Intelligence: Advice from Medieval Parents to Their Children
Ruys, Juanita Feros. (2018) - In: Affect, Emotion, and Children's Literature. Representation and Socialisation in Texts for Children and Young Adults p. 19-32

18Articles  Introduction to Interdisciplinary Forum: An Alternative History of Empathy.
Ruys, Juanita Feros. (2018) - In: Emotions. History, Culture, Society vol. 2 (2018) p. 175-191

19Articles  An Alternative History of Medieval Empathy: The Scholastics and 'compassio'
Ruys, Juanita Feros. (2018) - In: Emotions. History, Culture, Society vol. 2 (2018) p. 192-213

20Articles  The Devil's Coach House and Skeleton Cave: Colonial Tales, the Medieval Demonic and the Absence of the Indigenous
Ruys, Juanita Feros. (2016) - In: Preternature vol. 5 (2016) p. 159-188

21Articles  But Were They Talking About Emotions? Affectus, Affectio, and the History of Emotions
Champion, M.Garrod, R.Haskell, Y.Ruys, Juanita Feros. (2016) - In: Rivista storica italiana vol. 128 (2016) p. 521-543

22Essay  'Tears such as angels weep: The Evolution of Sadness in Demons
Ruys, Juanita Feros. (2015) - In: Understanding emotions in early Europe p. 51-72

23Essay  Nine Angry Angels: Order, Emotion, and the Angelic and Demonic Hierarchies in the High Middle Ages
Ruys, Juanita Feros. (2015) - In: Ordering emotions in Europe, 1100 - 1800 p. 14-31

24Articles  Dying 101: Emotion, Experience, and Learning How to Die in the Late Medieval artes moriendi
Ruys, Juanita Feros. (2014) - In: Parergon vol. 31, 2 (2014) p. 55-79

25Essay  'He who kills himself liberates a wretch': Abelard on Suicide
Ruys, Juanita Feros. (2014) - In: Rethinking Abelard. A collection of critical essays p. 230-250

26Articles  Unlocking the Silences of the Self-Murdered: Textual Approaches to Suicidal Emotions in the Middle Ages
McNamara, Rebecca F.Ruys, Juanita Feros. (2014) - In: Exemplaria vol. 26 (2014) p. 58-80

27Essay  Love
Ruys, Juanita Feros. (2014) - In: Medievalism. Key critical terms p. 125-132

28Essay  Experience and the Courteour: Reading Epistemological Revolution in a Sixteenth-Century Text
Ruys, Juanita Feros. (2013) - In: Fresche fontanis. Studies in the culture of medieval and early modern Scotland p. 249-270

29Articles  Sensitive Spirits: Changing Depictions of Demonic Emotions in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries
Ruys, Juanita Feros. (2012) - In: Digital philology vol. 1 (2012) p. 184-209

30Articles  Love in the Time of Demons: Thirteenth-Century Approaches to the Capacity for Love in Fallen Angels
Ruys, Juanita Feros. (2012) - In: Mirabilia. Revista Eletrônica de História Antiga e Medieval vol. 15 (2012)

31Essay  Nude Scenes of Lovemaking and Violation on Stage and Screen' Heloise and Abelard, Old Bones and the Uses of the Past
Ruys, Juanita Feros. (2012) - In: Integrity and Historical Research p. 146-166

32Essay  From Virile Eloquence to Hysteria: Reading the Latinity of Heloise in the Early Modern Period
Ruys, Juanita Feros. (2010) - In: Latinity and alterity in the early modern period p. 137-167

33Articles  Mater Litterata: Considerations of Maternity and Latinity In The Post-medieval Reception Of Dhuoda's Liber Manualis
Ruys, Juanita Feros. (2008) - In: New medieval literatures vol. 10 (2008) p. 191-220

34Essay  Heloise, Monastic Temptation, and Memoria: Rethinking Autobiography, Sexual Experience, and Ethics
Ruys, Juanita Feros. (2008) - In: Sexuality in the Middle Ages and the early modern times p. 383-404

35Essay  Didactic "I"s and the Voice of Experience in Advice from Medieval and Early-Modern Parents to Their Children
Ruys, Juanita Feros. (2008) - In: What nature does not teach p. 129-162

36Essay  Introduction: approaches to didactic literature - meaning, intent, audience, social effect
Ruys, Juanita Feros. (2008) - In: What nature does not teach p. 1-38

37Essay  Medieval Latin Meditations on Old Age: Rhetoric, Autobiography, and Experience
Ruys, Juanita Feros. (2007) - In: Old age in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance p. 171-200

38Articles  'Ut sexu sic animo': the resolution of sex and gender in the Planctus of Abelard
Ruys, Juanita Feros. (2006) - In: Medium aevum vol. 75 (2006) p. 1-23

39Essay  Peter Abelard's Carmen ad Astralabium and Medieval Parent-Child Didactic Texts: The Evidence for Parent-Child Relationships in the Middle Ages
Ruys, Juanita Feros. (2005) - In: Childhood in the middle ages and the Renaissance p. 203-228

40Essay  Playing Alterity: Heloise, Rhetoric, and Memoria
Ruys, Juanita Feros. (2004) - In: Maistresse of my wit. Medieval women, modern scholars p. 211-243

41Essay  Eloquence Vultum Depingere: Eloquence and Dictamen in the Love Letters of Heloise and Abelard
Ruys, Juanita Feros. (2003) - In: Essays John O. Ward p. 99-112

42Essay  "La douceur d'une vie paternelle": la représentation de la famille dans les œuvres poétiques d'Abélard
Ruys, Juanita Feros. (2003) - In: Pierre Abélard. Colloque international de Nantes p. 205-213

43Essay  Hearing mediæval voices: Heloise and "Carmina burana" 126
Ruys, Juanita Feros. (2003) - In: The poetic and musical legacy of Heloise and Abelard p. 91-99

44Articles  Planctus magis quam cantici: the generic significance of Abelard's Planctus
Ruys, Juanita Feros. (2002) - In: Plainsong and medieval music vol. 11 (2002) p. 37-44

45Essay  "Quae maternae immemor naturae": the rhetorical struggle over the menaing of motherhood in the writings of Heloise and Abelard
Ruys, Juanita Feros. (2000) - In: Listening to Heloise p. 323-339

46Articles  Role-playing in the Letters of Heloise and Abelard.
Ruys, Juanita Feros. (1993) - In: Parergon Ser. NS, vol. 11, 1 (1993) p. 53-78

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