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Publications »Shalem, Avinoam«

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RI opac: 61 Entries

1Collection of Essays  Seeking transparency: rock crystals across the medieval Mediterranean
Hahn, Cynthia J.Shalem, Avinoam [Publ.]. - Berlin (2020)

2Collection of Essays  The Chasuble of Thomas Becket: a biography
Shalem, Avinoam [Publ.]. - München (2017)

3Monographie  The chasuble of Thomas Becket: a biography
Shalem, Avinoam. - München (2017)

4Collection of Essays  The Salerno Ivories: Objects, Histories, Contexts
Dell'Acqua, FrancescaCutler, AnthonyKessler, Herbert LeonShalem, AvinoamWolf, Gerhard [Publ.]. - Berlin (2016)

5Monographie  Die mittelalterlichen Olifante: Elfenbeinobjekte in einem Zeitalter des ästhetischen Wandels ; Text- und Katalogband (Vol. 1-2)
Shalem, AvinoamGlaser, Maria. - Berlin (2014)

6Collection of Essays  The image of the prophet between ideal and ideology: a scholarly investigation
Gruber, Christiane J.Shalem, Avinoam [Publ.]. - Berlin [u.a.] (2014)

7Monographie  The oliphant: Islamic objects in historical context
Shalem, Avinoam. - Leiden [u.a.] (2004)

8Monographie  Islam Christianized: Islamic portable objects in the medieval church treasuries of the Latin West
Shalem, Avinoam. - Frankfurt a. M. (1998)

9Monographie  Islam Christianized: Islamic portable objects in the medieval church treasuries of the Latin West
Shalem, Avinoam. - New York, NY (1996)

10Essay  On Exposed Contagions and Buried Treasures: A Note on a Janus-like, Lion-Headed Reliquary from Pottenstein in Bavaria
Rettner, ArnoShalem, Avinoam. (2021) - In: FS Johannes G. Deckers p. 187-202

11Articles  On Exposed Contagions and Buried Treasures: A Note on a Janus-like, Lion-Headed Reliquary from Pottenstein in Bavaria
Rettner, ArnoShalem, Avinoam. (2021) - In: Mitteilungen zur spätantiken Archäologie und byzantinischen Kunstgeschichte vol. 8 (2021) p. 187-202

12Essay  On Medieval Rock Crystal Sources and Resources in the Lands of lslam
Shalem, Avinoam. (2020) - In: Seeking transparency. Rock crystals across the medieval Mediterranean p. 101-116

13Essay  Metaphors we dress with: medieval poetics about textiles.
Shalem, Avinoam. (2020) - In: The hidden life of Textiles in the Medieval and Early Modern Mediterranean p. 45-66

14Essay  Introduction
Hahn, Cynthia J.Shalem, Avinoam. (2020) - In: Seeking transparency. Rock crystals across the medieval Mediterranean p. 7-11

15Articles  Objects in captivity: preliminary remarks on the exhibiting and making of images of the art of war.
Shalem, Avinoam. (2019) - In: Mitteilungen des Kunsthistorischen Instituts in Florenz vol. 61 (2019) p. 437-465

16Articles  The Nation Has Put On Garments of Blood: An Early Islamic Red Silken Tapestry in Split
Shalem, Avinoam. (2019) - In: Dumbarton Oaks papers vol. 73 (2019) p. 389-408

17Essay  Resisting Time: On How Temporality Shaped Medieval Choice of Materials
Shalem, Avinoam. (2018) - In: Time in the history of art. Temporality, chronology and anachrony p. 184-204

18Essay  The Discovery and Rediscovery of the Medieval Islamic Object
Shalem, Avinoam. (2017) - In: A companion to Islamic art and architecture p. 558-

19Essay  The "Fermo file" at the Bayerisches Nationalmuseum in Munich
Shalem, Avinoam. (2017) - In: The Chasuble of Thomas Becket. A biography p. 270-277

20Essay  The textile contextualized
Shalem, Avinoam. (2017) - In: The Chasuble of Thomas Becket. A biography p. 80-109

21Essay  Arabic inscriptions reread
Shalem, Avinoam. (2017) - In: The Chasuble of Thomas Becket. A biography p. 60-65

22Essay  Introduction: on textiles, bones, and the politics of reuse.
Shalem, Avinoam. (2017) - In: The Chasuble of Thomas Becket. A biography p. 8-14

23Essay  The textile: physical description.
Shalem, Avinoam. (2017) - In: The Chasuble of Thomas Becket. A biography p. 46-59

24Essay  The Privilegium's Affirmation: on the founding of a church in the diocese of Fermo in 1184 and its consecration in memory of Saint Mary Magdalene and Saint Thomas of Canterbury in 1188.
Shalem, Avinoam. (2017) - In: The Chasuble of Thomas Becket. A biography p. 268-269

25Essay  "You Carried the Moon in the Folds of Your Sleeve": A Note on Wide-Sleeved Garments from Arabic Sources
Shalem, Avinoam. (2017) - In: FS Rainer Kahsnitz Pt. 3 p. 57-72

26Essay  The course of research: what can visual and literary sources tell us?.
Shalem, Avinoam. (2017) - In: The Chasuble of Thomas Becket. A biography p. 26-39

27Essay  Epilogue: The Salerno Riddle and some Reflections on Artifacts in the Post-Semiotic Age
Shalem, Avinoam. (2016) - In: The Salerno Ivories. Objects, Histories, Contexts p. 241-246

28Essay  Terra Miracula: Blessed Souvenirs from the Holy Land
Shalem, Avinoam. (2016) - In: Jerusalem, 1000-1400. Every people under heaven p. 23-26

29Essay  What do inscriptions on objects do?: beyond calligraphy and textual history.
Shalem, Avinoam. (2015) - In: Pearls on a String. Artists, Patrons, and Poets at the Great Islamic Courts p. 15-21

30Articles  Experientia and Auctoritas: Abd Al-Latif Al-Baghdadi's Kitab Al-Ifada Wa'l-Itibar and the Birth of the Critical Gaze
Shalem, Avinoam. (2015) - In: Muqarnas vol. 32 (2015) p. 197-122

31Essay  The Body of Architecture. The Early History of the Clothing of the Sacred House of the Ko'ba in Mecca
Shalem, Avinoam. (2015) - In: Clothing the sacred. Medieval textiles as fabric, form, and metaphor p. 173-188

32Articles  Amazement: The Suspended Moment of the Gaze
Shalem, Avinoam. (2015) - In: Muqarnas vol. 32 (2015) p. 3-12

33Essay  Voraussetzungen und Intentionen des Corpus der mittelalterlichen Olifante
Glaser, MariaShalem, Avinoam. (2014) - In: Die mittelalterlichen Olifante. Text- und Katalogband p. 23-28

34Essay  Stand der Forschung
Glaser, MariaShalem, Avinoam. (2014) - In: Die mittelalterlichen Olifante. Text- und Katalogband p. 19-22

35Essay  Architecture for the Body: Some Reflections on the Mobility of Textiles and the Fate of the So-Called Chasuble of Saint Thomas Becket in the Cathedral of Fermo in Italy
Shalem, Avinoam. (2014) - In: Dalmatia and the Mediterranean. Portable archaeology and the poetics of influence p. 246-267

36Essay  Stilistische Gruppierung der Olifante
Glaser, MariaShalem, Avinoam. (2014) - In: Die mittelalterlichen Olifante. Text- und Katalogband p. 45-114

37Essay  The Four Faces of the Ka'ba in Mecca
Shalem, Avinoam. (2013) - In: Architecture and pilgrimage, 1000 - 1500 p. 39-58

38Essay  Medieval Islamic Terms for Glassware Imitating Vessels of Carved Precious Stones
Shalem, Avinoam. (2012) - In: FS Hans-Georg Majer p. 25-34

39Essay  The Abbasid Rati Weight of Yazid ibn Hatim in the Nasser D. Khalili Collection of Islamic Art in London
Shalem, Avinoam. (2012) - In: FS Arne Effenberger p. 71-78

40Essay  Beyond Grammar and Taxonomy: Some Thoughts on Cognitive Experiences and Responsive Islamic Ornaments
Shalem, AvinoamTroelenberg, Eva-Maria. (2012) - In: FS Marianne Barrucand p. 385-410

41Essay  Der Betrachter ist im Bild. Visualisierungen des Islam im europäischen Buchdruck
Saviello, AlbertoShalem, Avinoam. (2012) - In: Götterbilder und Götzendiener in der frühen Neuzeit p. 69-80

42Essay  The Otherness in the Focus of Interest: or, If Only the Other Could Speak
Shalem, Avinoam. (2011) - In: Islamic artefacts in the Mediterranean world. Trade, gift exchange and artistic transfer p. 29-44

43Essay  Hybride und Assemblagen in mittelalterlichen Schatzkammern. Neue ästhetische Paradigmata im Hinblick auf die 'Andersheit'
Shalem, Avinoam. (2010) - In: Le trésor au Moyen Âge. Discours, pratiques et objets p. 297-314

44Essay  Verbildlichung Allahs: für eine andere Bildtheorie
Shalem, Avinoam. (2009) - In: Das Bild Gottes in Judentum, Christentum und Islam p. 81-92

45Essay  Wie byzantinisch war der Schatz der Fatimiden?
Shalem, Avinoam. (2008) - In: Grenzgänge im östlichen Mittelmeerraum. Byzanz und die islamische Welt vom 9. bis 13. Jahrhundert p. 65-82

46Essay  The Second Life of Objects: Ivory Horns in Medieval Church Treasuries
Shalem, Avinoam. (2008) - In: Spätantike und byzantinische Elfenbeinbildwerke im Diskurs p. 225-236

47Essay  Islamische Objekte in Kirchenschätzen der lateinischen Christenheit. Ästhetische Stufen des Umgangs mit dem Anderen und dem Hybriden.
Shalem, Avinoam. (2007) - In: Das Bistum Bamberg in der Welt des Mittelalters. Vorträge der Ringvorlesung p. 163-176

48Essay  Made for the Show: The Medieval Treasury of the Ka'ba in Mecca
Shalem, Avinoam. (2007) - In: Studies Robert Hillenbrand p. 269-284

49Essay  From Individual Manufacturing to Mass Production: Notes on the Aesthetic of the Islamic Traded Ivories of the Crusader Era
Shalem, Avinoam. (2007) - In: FS Jens Kröger p. 231-250

50Essay  Der Klang des Olifants
Shalem, Avinoam. (2006) - In: Wissen über Grenzen. Arabisches Wissen und lateinisches Mittelalter p. 775-790

51Essay  The idol (sanam) or the man without a soul: a short note on a unique illustration in the Kalila wa Dimna manuscript (cod.arab.615) in the Bavarian State Library in Munich.
Shalem, Avinoam. (2006) - In: The phenomenon of "foreign" in oriental art p. 61-68

52Essay  Manipulations of Seeing and Visual Strategies in the Audience Halls of the Early Islamic Period. Preliminary Notes
Shalem, Avinoam. (2006) - In: Visualisierungen von Herrschaft. Frühmittelalterliche Residenzen, Gestalt und Zeremoniell p. 213-232

53Essay  Exportkunst und Massenproduktion: Überlegungen zur Ästhetik islamischer "Luxus"-Objekte zur Zeit der Kreuzzüge
Shalem, Avinoam. (2005) - In: Konfrontation der Kulturen? Saladin und die Kreuzfahrer p. 90-106

54Articles  La voix du héros. Note sur la fabrication et l'utilisation des cors médiévaux comme instruments de musique
Shalem, Avinoam. (2005) - In: Les cahiers de Saint-Michel de Cuxa vol. 36 (2005) p. 117-126

55Articles  Des objets en migration: les itinéraires des objets islamiques vers l'Occident latin au Moyen Âge
Shalem, Avinoam. (2004) - In: Les cahiers de Saint-Michel de Cuxa vol. 35 (2004) p. 81-94

56Essay  Reliquien der Kreuzfahrerzeit: Verehrung, Raub und Handel
Shalem, Avinoam. (2004) - In: Die Kreuzzüge. Kein Krieg ist heilig p. 212-227

57Essay  The portraiture of objects: A note on representations of islamic objects in European painting of the 14th-16th centuries
Shalem, Avinoam. (2002) - In: Europa e Islam tra i secoli XIV e XVI p. 497-521

58Articles  Why is the lion always in a state of fever?: the legend of the sick lion in Noah's ark as depicted in the mosaics of San Marco in Venice and the cathedral in Monreale
Shalem, Avinoam. (2001) - In: Cahiers archéologiques. Fin de l'antiquité et Moyen Âge vol. 49 (2001) p. 39-46

59Articles  A newly discovered oliphant in a private collection in London
Pinder-Wilson, Ralph H.Shalem, Avinoam. (2000) - In: Mitteilungen zur spätantiken Archäologie und byzantinischen Kunstgeschichte vol. 2 (2000) p. 79-82

60Essay  Art. Smalto
Calderoni Masetti, Anna RosaDurand, J.Shalem, Avinoam. (1999) - In: Enciclopedia dell'arte medievale Pt. 10

61Articles  From Royal Caskets to Relic Containers: Two Ivory Caskets from Burgos and Madrid
Shalem, Avinoam. (1994) - In: Muqarnas vol. 12 (1994) p. 24-38

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