Publications »Simpson, James«
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RI opac: 87 Entries
1 | Enlistment: lists in medieval and Early Modern literature Contzen, Eva von • Simpson, James [Publ.]. |
2 | The practice and politics of reading, 650-1500 Donoghue, Daniel • Simpson, James • Watson, Nicholas • Wilson, Anna [Publ.]. |
3 | The Oxford Handbook of Chaucer Akbari, Suzanne Conklin • Simpson, James [Publ.]. |
4 | Under the hammer: iconoclasm in the Anglo-American tradition. Simpson, James. |
5 | Cultural reformations: medieval and renaissance in literary history Cummings, Brian • Simpson, James [Publ.]. |
6 | John Lydgate: poetry, culture, and Lancastrian England Scanlon, Larry • Simpson, James [Publ.]. |
7 | Images, idolatry and iconoclasm in late medieval England: textuality and the visual image Dimmick, Jeremy • Simpson, James • Zeeman, Nicolette [Publ.]. |
8 | Oxford English Literary History. 2: Reform and Cultural Revolution 1350-1547 Simpson, James. |
10 | Medieval English Religious and Ethical Literature. Essays in honour of G.H. Russell Kratzmann, Gregory C. • Simpson, James [Publ.]. |
11 | The Shock of the Old: Recognition in the Humanities; The 2022 Morton W. Bloomfield Memorial Lecture Simpson, James. |
12 | James Simpson's Publications from 1984 to 2024 Simpson, James. |
13 | Intention and Interpretation, Now and Then Simpson, James. |
14 | Not Yet: Chaucer and Anagogy Simpson, James. |
15 | The Ellesmere Chaucer: The Once and Future Canterbury Tales Simpson, James. |
16 | Introduction Donoghue, Daniel • Simpson, James • Watson, Nicholas • Wilson, Anna. |
17 | Giving and Gaining Voice in Civil War: Alain Chartier's Quadrilogue In veetifin Fifteenth-Century England Simpson, James. |
18 | Geoffrey Chaucer's Reception of Alan of Lille Simpson, James. |
19 | ‘Gaufred, deere maister soverain': Chaucer and Rhetoric Simpson, James. |
20 | Anti-Virgilianism in Late Medieval English Troy Narratives Simpson, James. |
21 | Richard II Simpson, James. |
22 | Textual face: cognition as recognition Simpson, James. |
23 | Reflection Subversive Laughter in Reynard the Fox Simpson, James. |
24 | Unthinking Thought: Romance's Wisdom Simpson, James. |
25 | 'The formless ruin of oblivion': Shakespeare's Troilus and Cressida and literary defacement Simpson, James. |
27 | Not Yet: Chaucer and Anagogy Simpson, James. |
29 | Religious forms and institutions in Piers Plowman Simpson, James. |
30 | L'oeuvre et l'ombre des géants: fantômes et ruines dans Le Couronnement de Louis Simpson, James. |
31 | Derek Brewers Romance Simpson, James. |
32 | "Uns uers si mals": H.R. Giger et les animaux de cour dans la Chanson de Roland Simpson, James. |
33 | Orthodoxy's Image Trouble: Images in and after Arundel's Constitutions Simpson, James. |
34 | 1534-1550S: texts Simpson, James. |
35 | 'And that was litel nede': Poetry's Need in Robert Henryson's Fables and Testament of Cresseid Simpson, James. |
36 | Killing Authors: Skelton's Dreadful Bowge of Courte Simpson, James. |
37 | Place Simpson, James. |
38 | The Economy of Involucrum: Idleness in Reason and Sensuality Simpson, James. |
39 | John Lydgate Simpson, James. |
40 | Diachronic history and the shortcomings of medieval studies Simpson, James. |
41 | Chaucer as a European Writer Simpson, James. |
42 | Confessing Literature Simpson, James. |
43 | Hoccleve, Thomas (ca. 1366-1426) Simpson, James. |
44 | Saving satire after Arundel's "Constitutions": John Audelay's "Marcol and Solomon" Simpson, James. |
45 | Subjects of Triumph and Literary History: Dido and Petrarch in Petrarch's Africa and Trionfi Simpson, James. |
46 | Consuming Ethics: Caxton's History of Reynard the Fox Simpson, James. |
47 | Not the Last Word Simpson, James. |
48 | Reginald Pecock and John Fortescue Simpson, James. |
49 | Chaucer's Presence and Absence, 1400-1550 Simpson, James. |
50 | Art. Humanism Simpson, James. |
51 | The rules of medieval imagination Simpson, James. |
52 | Bulldozing the Middle Ages: The Case of 'John Lydgate' Simpson, James. |
53 | The power of impropriety: authorial naming in "Piers Plowman" Simpson, James. |
55 | Grace abounding: Evangelical centralization and the end of "Piers Plowman" Simpson, James. |
56 | Contemporary English writers Simpson, James. |
57 | All's fair in love and war: conflicts and continuities in "Anseés de Carthage" Simpson, James. |
58 | Ethics and interpretation: reading wills in Chaucer's "Legend of Good Women" Simpson, James. |
59 | Art. Hoccleve, Thomas (ca. 1366-1426) Simpson, James. |
60 | Art. Beast epic and fable Simpson, James. |
61 | Art. Usk, Thomas (+ 1388) Simpson, James. |
62 | The Other Book of Troy: Guido delle Colonne's "Historia destructionis Troiae" in Fourteenth- and Fifteenth-Century England Simpson, James. |
63 | "Dysemol daies and fatal houres": Lydgate's Destruction of Thebes and Chaucer's Knight's Tale Simpson, James. |
64 | Ageism: Leland, Bale, and the laborious start of English literary history, 1350-1550 Simpson, James. |
65 | Desire and the scriptural text: Will as reader in Piers Plowman Simpson, James. |
66 | The gifts of the Roland: the Old French Gui de Bourgogne Simpson, James. |
67 | "After Craftes Conseil clotheth yow and fede": Langland and London City Politics Simpson, James. |
68 | "Ut pictura poesis": a critique of Robert Jordan's Chaucer and the Shape of Creation Simpson, James. |
69 | The death of the author? Skelton's Bouge of Court Simpson, James. |
70 | The information of Alan of Lille's Anticlaudianus: a preposterous interpretation Simpson, James. |
71 | Sinful narrative in the Roman de Renart Simpson, James. |
72 | The enjoyment and teaching of Old and Middle English: the current state of play. Simpson, James. |
73 | Madness and texts: Hoccleve's Series Simpson, James. |
74 | Genius's "enformacioun" in book III of the "Confessio amantis" Simpson, James. |
75 | The constraints of satire in Piers Plowman and Mum and the Sothsegger Simpson, James. |
76 | Poetry as knowledge: Dante's Paradiso XIII. Simpson, James. |
77 | Spirituality and economics in passus 1-7 of the B text Simpson, James. |
78 | From reason to affective knowledge: modes of thought and poetic form in Piers Plowman Simpson, James. |
79 | The role of scientia in Piers Plowman Simpson, James. |
80 | The transformation of meaning: a figure of thought in Piers Plowman. Simpson, James. |
81 | ‘Et Vidit Deus Cogitaciones Eorum': A Parallel Instance and Possible Source for Langland's Use of a Biblical Formula at Piers Plowman B.XV. 200a Simpson, James. |
82 | Spiritual and Earthly Nobility in 'Piers Plowman' Simpson, James. |
83 | Killington, Kirkby Lonsdale, its Chapel Salary Simpson, James. |
84 | Maiden Castle, and Raycross, Stainmore. Simpson, James. |
85 | Brougham Castle. Simpson, James. |
86 | Appleby Castle. Simpson, James. |
87 | The need of Antiquarian Research in Cumberland and Westmorland. Simpson, James. |
Examples for the search function
Last names starting with letters 'Zg': zg
Last names starting with 'Kucz': kucz
Last names starting with 'Kucz', forename starting with "A": kucz*, a
Last names starting with 'Ku', forename starting with 'Andreas': ku*andreas
Forename 'Fumiko': *fumiko
Variants of 'de Lacroix': *de*la*cro*
Variants of 'Mayboom': m__b__m