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Publications »Stone, Rachel«

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RI opac: 27 Entries

1Monographie  The divorce of King Lothar and Queen Theutberga: Hincmar of Rheims's de divortio
Hincmarus <Remensis>. Stone, RachelWest, Charles [Publ.]. - Manchester (2016)

2Sachtitel  [Bibliographie]
Stone, Rachel. (2016)

3Collection of Essays  Hincmar of Rheims. Life and work
Stone, RachelWest, Charles [Publ.]. - Manchester (2015)

4Monographie  Morality and masculinity in the carolingian empire
Stone, Rachel. - Cambridge (2012)

5Monographie  Masculinity, nobility and the moral instruction of the Carolingian lay elite
Stone, Rachel. - [University of London] (2005)

6Articles  Spin and silence royal penance and Carolingian propaganda
Stone, Rachel. (2024) - In: Frühmittelalterliche Studien vol. 58 (2024) p. 185-215

7Essay  Paulinus of Aquileia, Pippin of Italy and the Virtuous Nobleman
Stone, Rachel. (2023) - In: Spes Italiae. Il regno di Pipino, i Carolingi e l'Italia (781-810) p. 361-376

8Essay  On Criminal Priests: Illicit Desires and Clerical Masculinity
Stone, Rachel. (2023) - In: Masculinity in early medieval Europe p. 163-182

9Essay  On Criminal Priests: Illicit Desires and Clerical Masculinity (400-900)
Stone, Rachel. (2023) - In: Masculinities in early medieval Europe. Tradition and innovation 450-1050 p. 163-182

10Essay  The power of the wicked. Bad biblical queens in Carolingian propaganda
Stone, Rachel. (2023) - In: Le pouvoir au féminin. Modèles et anti-modèles bibliques, du IVe au XVIIe siècle p. 105-126

11Essay  Transformations of Lay and Clerical Masculinities
Stone, Rachel. (2023) - In: Rethinking reform in the Latin West, 10th to early 12th century p. 134-157

12Articles  Exploring minor clerics in early medieval Tuscany
Stone, Rachel. (2017) - In: Reti medievali vol. 18, 1 (2017) p. 67-97

13Essay  Sisters Prepare Death for Sisters, Aunts for Nieces? The Missing Competition Between Carolingian Women
Stone, Rachel. (2017) - In: Genre et compétition dans les sociétés occidentales du haut Moyen Âge, IVe-XIe siècle p. 135-150

14Articles  Political Culture and the Changing Role of Countesses, 750-1050
Stone, Rachel. (2017) - In: History. The Journal of the Historical Association vol. 102 (2017) p. 824-839

15Essay  Beyond David and Solomon: Biblical models for Carolingian laymen
Stone, Rachel. (2016) - In: Gott handhaben. Religiöses Wissen im Konflikt um Mythisierung und Rationalisierung p. 189-202

16Articles  Translation of Alcuinfs De Virtutibus et Vitiis Liber (Book about the Virtues and Vices)
Stone, Rachel. (2015) - In: The heroic age vol. 16 (2015)

17Essay  Introduction: Hincmar's world
Stone, Rachel. (2015) - In: Hincmar of Rheims. Life and work p. 1-43

18Essay  Carolingian Domesticities
Stone, Rachel. (2013) - In: The Oxford handbook of women and gender in medieval Europe p. 229-245

19Essay  Gender and hierarchy: Archbishop Hincmar of Rheims (845-882) as a religious man
Stone, Rachel. (2013) - In: Religious men and masculine identity in the Middle Ages p. 28-45

20Articles  Waltharius and Carolingian morality: satire and lay values
Stone, Rachel. (2013) - In: Early medieval Europe vol. 21 (2013) p. 50-70

21Articles  New directions for early medieval women's history?
Stone, Rachel. (2012) - In: The heroic age vol. 15 (2012)

22Essay  'In what way can those who have left the world be distinguished?': Masculinity and the Difference between Carolingian Men
Stone, Rachel. (2010) - In: Intersections of gender, religion and ethnicity in the Middle Ages p. 12-33

23Essay  The rise and fall of the lay moral élite in Carolingian Francia
Stone, Rachel. (2009) - In: La culture du haut Moyen Âge, une question d'élites? p. 363-376

24Articles  The invention of a theology of abduction: Hincmar of Rheims on 'Raptus'
Stone, Rachel. (2009) - In: The Journal of Ecclesiastical History vol. 60 (2009) p. 433-448

25Essay  In search of the Carolingian 'dear lord'
Stone, Rachel. (2008) - In: Essays Jinty Nelson p. 152-166

26Essay  Kings are different: Carolingian mirrors for princes and lay morality
Stone, Rachel. (2007) - In: Le prince au miroir de la littérature politique de l'Antiquité aux Lumières p. 69-86

27Articles  'Bound from Either Side': The Limits of Power in Carolingian Marriage Disputes, 840-870
Stone, Rachel. (2007) - In: Gender and history vol. 19 (2007) p. 467-482

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