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Publications »Wright, Roger«

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RI opac: 111 Entries

1Collection of Essays  Actes du IXe Colloque International sur le Latin Vulgaire et Tardif: Lyon, 2 - 6 septembre 2009
Wright, Roger [Publ.]. - Lyon (2012)

2Collection of Essays  Late medieval Spanish studies in honour of Dorothy Sherman Severin
Snow, Joseph ThomasWright, Roger [Publ.]. - Liverpool (2009)

3Collection of Essays  Latin vulgaire - latin tardif VIII: actes du VIIIe Colloque International sur le Latin Vulgaire et Tardif, Oxford, 6 - 9 septembre 2006
Wright, Roger [Publ.]. - Hildesheim [u.a.] (2008)

4Collection of Essays  Studies on Ibero-Romance linguistics: dedicated to Ralph Penny
Wright, RogerRicketts, Peter T. [Publ.]. - Newark, Del. (2005)

5Collection of Essays  A sociophilological study of late Latin
Wright, Roger. - Turnhout (2002)

6Monographie  El Tratado de Cabreros (1206): estudio sociofilológico de una reforma ortográfica
Wright, Roger. - London (2000)

7Collection of Essays  Essays in Hispanic linguistics: dedicated to Paul M. Lloyd
Blake, Robert J.Ranson, Diana L.Wright, Roger [Publ.]. - Newark, Del. (1999)

8Monographie  Early Ibero-Romance: twenty-one studies on language and texts from the Iberian Peninsula between the Roman Empire and the thirteenth century
Wright, Roger. - Newark, Del. (1994)

9Collection of Essays  Latin and the Romance Languages in the Early Middle Ages
Wright, Roger [Publ.]. - London (1991)

10Monographie  Latín tardío y romance temprano: en España y la Francia carolingia
Wright, Roger. - Madrid (1989)

11Monographie  Late Latin and Early Romance in Spain and Carolingian France
Wright, Roger. - Liverpool (1982)

12Essay  Late Latin: the evidence
Wright, Roger. (2017) - In: XI Congreso International sobre el Latín Vulgar y Tardío p. 127-144

13Essay  Las glosas silenses y los orígenes del romance
Wright, Roger. (2016) - In: Estudios Rafael Cano Aguilar p. 341-355

14Essay  Galician Before 1250
Wright, Roger. (2015) - In: Culture and society in medieval Galicia p. 843-861

15Essay  A Sociophilological Study of the Change to Official Romance Documentation in Castile
Wright, Roger. (2013) - In: Spoken and Written Language. Relations between Latin and the Vernacular Languages p. 133-147

16Essay  La difusion inmediata del documento: lenguaje y lectura en el siglo X
Wright, Roger. (2013) - In: Chartes et cartulaires comme instruments de pouvoir p. 117-130

17Essay  Las reformas del siglo XII y su vertiente lingüística
Wright, Roger. (2013) - In: O século de Xelmírez p. 439-458

18Essay  Plurilinguismo nella Penisola Ibérica (400-1000)
Wright, Roger. (2013) - In: Plurilinguismo e diglossia nella tarda antichità e nel Medio Evo p. 149-166

19Essay  Writing and speaking Late Latin
Wright, Roger. (2012) - In: Scrivere e leggere nell'alto Medioevo p. 273-290

20Essay  Hispanic Epic and Ballad
Wright, Roger. (2012) - In: Medieval oral literature p. 411-428

21Essay  Late and Vulgar Latin in Muslim Spain: the African connection
Wright, Roger. (2012) - In: Latin vulgaire - latin tardif 9 p. 35-56

22Essay  Linguistic and Ethnic Identities in the Iberian Peninsula (400-1000 A.D.)
Wright, Roger. (2012) - In: Sprache und Identität im frühen Mittelalter p. 99-108

23Essay  Romance languages as a source for spoken Latin
Wright, Roger. (2011) - In: A companion to the Latin language p. 59-79

24Essay  Bilingualism and diglossia in Medieval Iberia (350-1350)
Wright, Roger. (2010) - In: A comparative history of literatures in the Iberian peninsula Pt. 1 p. 333-350

25Essay  Romance, latín y otra vez romance en la Península Ibérica en el siglo XII
Wright, Roger. (2010) - In: Modelos latinos en la Castilla medieval p. 25-42

26Essay  Poetic Justice in the Romancero Viejo
Wright, Roger. (2010) - In: Estudios Joseph Thomas Snow Pt. 2 p. 336-348

27Essay  Abbo of Fleury in Ramsey (985-987)
Wright, Roger. (2010) - In: Conceptualizing Multilingualism in England, C. 800-c.1250 p. 105-120

28Essay  Humour in the oral Romancero: how would we know?
Wright, Roger. (2009) - In: Studies Dorothy Sherman Severin p. 26-36

29Articles  Humour in the oral Romancero: how would we know?
Wright, Roger. (2009) - In: Bulletin of Hispanic studies (Liverpool) vol. 86 (2009) p. 26-36

30Essay  Nueva glosa, nueva scripta
Wright, Roger. (2008) - In: El primitivo romance hispánico p. 313-318

31Essay  Placenames in Early Medieval Documents: the Case of Cabra
Wright, Roger. (2008) - In: Studies Richard Fletcher p. 65-86

32Essay  Los glosarios de la Península Ibérica
Wright, Roger. (2006) - In: IV Congreso Internacional de latim medieval hispânico p. 957-962

33Essay  The study of Latin as a foreign language in the Early Middle Ages
Wright, Roger. (2006) - In: History of the Language Sciences Pt. 1 p. 501-510

34Essay  Latin Glossaries in the Iberian Peninsula
Wright, Roger. (2006) - In: Essays Michael W. Herren p. 216-236

35Essay  Isidore of Seville, Saint (ca. 560-636)
Wright, Roger. (2006) - In: Key figures in medieval Europe p. 350-351

36Essay  Language and religion in early medieval Spain
Wright, Roger. (2006) - In: Language of religion - language of the people. Medieval Judaism, Christianity and Islam p. 115-126

37Essay  Romance and Ibero-Romance in the "Descort" of Raimbaut de Vaqueiras
Wright, Roger. (2005) - In: Études József Herman p. 463-472

38Essay  The Language and Composition of the Carmen Campi Doctoris
Wright, Roger. (2005) - In: Poesía Latina Medieval p. 483-494

39Essay  La representación escrita del romance en el Reino de León entre 1157 y 1230
Wright, Roger. (2004) - In: Orígenes de las lenguas romances en el reino de León. Siglos IX-XII Pt. 1 p. 273-296

40Articles  Latinistas tardíos y romanistas tempranos
Wright, Roger. (2004) - In: Signo. Revista de historia de la cultura escrita vol. 14 (2004) p. 7-26

41Articles  Sociophilology and Twelfth-Century Spain
Wright, Roger. (2003) - In: Medioevo romanzo vol. 27 (2003) p. 253-274

42Essay  Linguistic standardization
Wright, Roger. (2003) - In: Medieval Iberia. An encyclopedia p. 493-494

43Essay  Even Priscian nods
Wright, Roger. (2003) - In: Latin vulgaire - latin tardif 6 p. 577-588

44Articles  La période de transition du latin, de la Lingua romana et du français
Wright, Roger. (2003) - In: Médiévales vol. 45 (2003) p. 11-24

45Essay  Isidore of Seville, St.
Wright, Roger. (2003) - In: Medieval Iberia. An encyclopedia p. 431-432

46Articles  La fragmentación del "Iberorromance" en el siglo XIII
Wright, Roger. (2003) - In: Argutorio vol. 4, 10 (2003) p. 43-45

47Essay  Rhythmic Poetry and the Author's Vernacular
Wright, Roger. (2003) - In: Poetry in Early Medieval Europe. Manuscripts, language and Music of the Latin Rhythmical Texts p. 343-360

48Essay  A Sociophilological Approach to the Earliest Romance Texts: [-t], -/t/ and -t in Castile (1206-08)
Wright, Roger. (2003) - In: The Dawn of the Written Vernacular in the Western Europe p. 201-214

49Essay  Viva Voce
Wright, Roger. (2002) - In: Wright, A sociophilological study of late Latin p. 49-68

50Essay  The Glossaries of Tenth-Century Spain: (1) the 1997 Edition of códice emilianense 46
Wright, Roger. (2002) - In: Wright, A sociophilological study of late Latin p. 211-222

51Essay  Why the Romance Languages Are Not All the Same
Wright, Roger. (2002) - In: Wright, A sociophilological study of late Latin p. 18-35

52Essay  Early Medieval Pan-Romance Comprehension
Wright, Roger. (2002) - In: Wright, A sociophilological study of late Latin p. 175-190

53Essay  In What Language Are the Glosses of San Millan and Silos?
Wright, Roger. (2002) - In: Wright, A sociophilological study of late Latin p. 232-242

54Essay  La sociolingüística y la sociofilología del siglo XII
Wright, Roger. (2002) - In: Actas del VI Congreso Internacional de Historia de la Cultura Escrita Pt. 2 p. 15-38

55Essay  The Relative Chronology of New scripta and New Languages
Wright, Roger. (2002) - In: Wright, A sociophilological study of late Latin p. 147-157

56Essay  Why Judeo-Spanish Was Called "ladino"
Wright, Roger. (2002) - In: Wright, A sociophilological study of late Latin p. 274-281

57Essay  The Glossaries of Tenth-Century Spain: (2) Romance Vocabulary in the San Millan Glossaries
Wright, Roger. (2002) - In: Wright, A sociophilological study of late Latin p. 223-231

58Essay  Foreigners' Latin and Romance: Boniface and Pope Gregory II
Wright, Roger. (2002) - In: Wright, A sociophilological study of late Latin p. 95-109

59Essay  The Assertion of Ibero-Romance
Wright, Roger. (2002) - In: Wright, A sociophilological study of late Latin p. 262-273

60Essay  Conclusion
Wright, Roger. (2002) - In: Wright, A sociophilological study of late Latin p. 343-360

61Essay  How Latin Came to Be a Foreign Language for All
Wright, Roger. (2002) - In: Wright, A sociophilological study of late Latin p. 3-17

62Essay  The Role of Priscian
Wright, Roger. (2002) - In: Wright, A sociophilological study of late Latin p. 71-84

63Essay  A Sociophilological Approach to the Earliest Romance Texts: [-t], -hi and -r in Castile (1206-1208)
Wright, Roger. (2002) - In: Wright, A sociophilological study of late Latin p. 282-294

64Essay  Rhythmic Poetry and the Author's Vernacular
Wright, Roger. (2002) - In: Wright, A sociophilological study of late Latin p. 110-124

65Essay  Textual Evidence for Language Change
Wright, Roger. (2002) - In: Wright, A sociophilological study of late Latin p. 318-330

66Essay  Early medieval pan-Romance comprehension.
Wright, Roger. (2002) - In: Word, image, number p. 25-42

67Essay  Comparative, Structural and Sociolinguistic Analyses of the History of the Romance Languages
Wright, Roger. (2002) - In: Wright, A sociophilological study of late Latin p. 297-309

68Essay  Alcuin's De Orthographia and the Council of Tours (A.D. 813)
Wright, Roger. (2002) - In: Wright, A sociophilological study of late Latin p. 127-146

69Essay  The End of Written ladino in Al-Andalus
Wright, Roger. (2002) - In: Wright, A sociophilological study of late Latin p. 158-174

70Essay  The Latin-Romance "Ensemble" of the Seventh Century
Wright, Roger. (2002) - In: Wright, A sociophilological study of late Latin p. 85-94

71Essay  Periodization and Language Names: Italo-Romance in 1000 A.D.
Wright, Roger. (2002) - In: Wright, A sociophilological study of late Latin p. 193-210

72Essay  Sociophilology and Twelfth-Century Spain
Wright, Roger. (2002) - In: Wright, A sociophilological study of late Latin p. 245-261

73Essay  Writing: Photo or Disguise?
Wright, Roger. (2002) - In: Wright, A sociophilological study of late Latin p. 310-317

74Essay  What Actually Changes During a 'Sound Change'?
Wright, Roger. (2002) - In: Wright, A sociophilological study of late Latin p. 331-342

75Essay  Periodization
Wright, Roger. (2002) - In: Wright, A sociophilological study of late Latin p. 36-48

76Essay  La Sociofilología y el origen de la primera documentación cancilleresca en forma romance en Castilla
Wright, Roger. (2001) - In: Lengua medieval y tradiciones discursivas en la Península Ibérica p. 63-78

77Articles  The assertion of Ibero-Romance.
Wright, Roger. (2000) - In: Forum for modern language studies vol. 36 (2000) p. 230-240

78Articles  La Traducción entre el Latín y el Romance en la Alta Edad Media
Wright, Roger. (1999) - In: Signo. Revista de historia de la cultura escrita vol. 6 (1999) p. 41-64

79Essay  Reading a will in twelfth-century Salamanca
Wright, Roger. (1999) - In: Latin vulgaire - latin tardif 5 p. 505-516

80Essay  Las glosas protohispánicas: problemas que suscitan las glosas emilianenses y silenses
Wright, Roger. (1998) - In: Actas del IV Congreso Internacional de Historia de la Lengua Española Pt. 2 p. 965-972

81Articles  The dating of the earliest Fuero translations
Wright, Roger. (1998) - In: Bulletin of Hispanic studies (Glasgow) vol. 75 (1998) p. 9-16

82Essay  L'ensemble latin-roman du septième siècle
Wright, Roger. (1998) - In: Latin vulgaire - latin tardif 4 p. 103-112

83Essay  The End of Written Ladino in al-Andalus
Wright, Roger. (1998) - In: The Formation of al-Andalus 2 p. 19-36

84Articles  La normalización lingüística en la Península Ibérica durante la Edad Media: ventajas e inconvenientes
Wright, Roger. (1997) - In: Moenia vol. 3 (1997) p. 471-487

85Essay  Translation between Latin and Romance in the early Middle Ages
Wright, Roger. (1997) - In: Translation Theory and Practice in the Middle Ages p. 7-32

86Essay  Linguistic standardization in the Middle Ages in the Iberian peninsula: advantage and disadvantages
Wright, Roger. (1997) - In: Essays William Rothwell p. 261-275

87Essay  La sintaxis reflexiva con semántica no agentiva
Wright, Roger. (1995) - In: Actas 1° Congreso Nacional de Latín Medieval p. 415-431

88Articles  La muerte del ladino escrito en Al-Andalus
Wright, Roger. (1994) - In: Euphrosyne Ser. NS, vol. 22 (1994) p. 255-268

89Essay  La escritura ¿foto o disfraz?
Wright, Roger. (1993) - In: Actas del I Congreso Anglo-Hispano Pt. 1 p. 225-234

90Essay  Los cambios metalingüísticos medievales
Wright, Roger. (1993) - In: Actes du XXe Congrès International de Linguistique et Philologie Romanes Pt. 2 p. 607-621

91Articles  Sociolinguistique hispanique (VIIIe -XIe siècles)
Wright, Roger. (1993) - In: Médiévales vol. 25 (1993) p. 61-70

92Essay  El latín y el ladino (siglos XI-XII)
Wright, Roger. (1993) - In: Actas do XIX congreso internacional de lingüística e filoloxía románicas 5 p. 61-70

93Essay  Early Medieval Spanish, Latin and Ladino
Wright, Roger. (1992) - In: Circa 1492. Proceedings of the Jerusalem Colloquium p. 36-45

94Articles  The asterisk in Hispanic historical linguistics
Wright, Roger. (1992 - 1993) - In: Journal of Hispanic research vol. 1 (1992/93) p. 1-16

95Essay  La metalingüística del siglo XII español (y la Chronica Adefonsi Imperatoris)
Wright, Roger. (1992) - In: Actas del II Congreso Internacional de Historia de la Lengua Española Pt. 2 p. 879-888

96Articles  Textos asturianos de los siglos IX y X: ¿Latín bárbaro o romance escrito?
Wright, Roger. (1991) - In: Lletres asturianes vol. 41 (1991) p. 21-34

97Essay  El dramatismo del romancero 'novelesco'
Wright, Roger. (1991) - In: FS Hans Flasche (1991) p. 409-416

98Essay  The conceptual distinction between Latin and Romance: invention or evolution
Wright, Roger. (1991) - In: Latin and the Romance Languages in the Early Middle Ages p. 103-113

99Essay  On Editing 'Latin' Texts Written by Romance-Speakers
Wright, Roger. (1991) - In: Linguistic studies in Medieval Spanish p. 191-208

100Articles  Several ballads, one epic and two chronicles (1100-1250)
Wright, Roger. (1990) - In: La Corónica vol. 18 (1990) p. 21-38

101Articles  Latín tardío y romance temprano (1982-88)
Wright, Roger. (1988) - In: Revista de filología española vol. 68 (1988) p. 257-269

102Essay  La función de las glosas de San Millán y de Silos
Wright, Roger. (1986) - In: Critique et édition de textes p. 209-219

103Articles  How old is the ballad genre?
Wright, Roger. (1986) - In: La Corónica vol. 14 (1986) p. 251-257

104Articles  Unity and diversity among the Romance languages
Wright, Roger. (1983) - In: Transactions of the Philological Society vol. 81 (1983) p. 1-22

105Articles  Wright: Late latin and early romance: Alcuin's De Orthographia and the Council of Tours (AD 813)
Wright, Roger. (1981) - In: Papers of the Liverpool Latin Seminar vol. 3 (1981) p. 343-361

106Articles  Late Latin and Early Romance: Alcuin's "De orthographia" and the Council of Tours (AD 813)
Wright, Roger. (1981) - In: Papers of the Liverpool Latin Seminar vol. 3 (1981) p. 343-351

107Essay  Linguistic reasons for phonetic archaisms in Romance
Wright, Roger. (1980) - In: Papers from the 4th International Conference on Historical Linguistics p. 331-337

108Articles  The First Poem on the Cid: the "Carmen Campi Doctoris"
Wright, Roger. (1979) - In: Papers of the Liverpool Latin Seminar vol. 2 (1979) p. 213-248

109Articles  Pretonic diphthongs in Old Castilian
Wright, Roger. (1976) - In: Vox Romanica vol. 35 (1976) p. 133-143

110Articles  Speaking, reading and writing late Latin and early Romance
Wright, Roger. (1976) - In: Neophilologus vol. 60 (1976) p. 178-189

111Articles  Semicultismo
Wright, Roger. (1976) - In: Archivum linguisticum vol. 7 (1976) p. 13-28

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