RI OPAC: Literature Database for the Middle Ages - Listing over 2.8 million titles

Regesta Imperii Literature References

Index of literature references in form of recommended, standardized short title representations.

Short Title Search: Pescaglini Monti, Nobiltà Valdinievole

Essay  Nobiltà e istituzioni ecclesiastiche in Valdinievole tra XI e XII secolo
Pescaglini Monti, Rosanna. (1991) - In: Allucio da Pescia (1070 ca. - 1134). Un santo laico dell'età postgregoriana p. 225-277
Descriptors: Valdinievole (Landschaft) 11th century 12th century Church organisation Nobility Pescaglini Monti, Rosanna (1950-2009)
Language: Italian
Short Title: Pescaglini Monti, Nobiltà Valdinievole


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