RI OPAC: Literature Database for the Middle Ages - Listing over 2.9 million titles

RI-Opac SearchMatches: 207431

Search Results

Descriptors: General topics and tools

1Book Series Mini-Monographs in Medieval and Early Modern Studies
- Leiden [u.a.] (2025 -)

2Book Series Europa Humanistica. La France des humanistes
- Turnhout (2024 -)

3Book Series Studies in Byzantine cultural history
- London [u.a.] (2024 -)

4Book Series Philosophy and Sciences in the Christian Orient
- Berlin [u.a.] (2024 -)

5Book Series The Berkeley Series in Postclassical Islamic Scholarship
- Oakland (2024 -)

6Book Series Studies in ancient civil war
- Berlin [u.a.] (2024 -)

7Book Series Contending representations
- Turnhout (2024 -)

8Book Series Einheit & Vielfalt im Recht
- Wien (2024 -)

9Book Series Brill's companions to late antiquity and medieval studies online
- Leiden [u.a.] (2024 -)

10Book Series Comparative perspectives on medieval history
- Turnhout (2024 -)

11Book Series Ananeosis: Spätantike, Frühmittelalter, Byzanz: aktuelle Forschungen zu Archäologie und Kunstgeschichte
- Regensburg (2024 -)

12Book Series Corpus vitrearum. United States of America
- s.l. (2024 -)

13Book Series Frauen im europäischen Mittelalter. Quellen und Kontexte
- Freiburg i. Br. [u.a.] (2024 -)

14Journal  Der Erzgräber
- Oberwolfach (2024 -)

15Book Series Architecture and the arts in early modern Italy
- London [u.a.] (2024 -)

16Collection of Essays  Bibliographie jurassienne (Vol. Porrentruy)
(2024 -)

17Book Series Forschungen zur Kulturstiftung Sachsen-Anhalt
- Berlin (2024 -)

18Book Series Christianities Before Modernity
- Berlin [u.a.] (2024 -)

19Journal  Historisches Jahrbuch für den Landkreis Harburg: Geschichte, Kultur, Kunst und Natur
- Winsen (2024 -)

20Journal  Herança: Revista de História, Património e Cultura
(2024 -)

RI-Opac SearchMatches: 207431