RI OPAC: Literature Database for the Middle Ages - Listing over 2.8 million titles

RI-Opac SearchMatches: 2513

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Descriptors: Population history

1Articles  How Temporality Shapes Social Structure in the Acts of Thomas
Dell'Isola, Maria. (2023) - In: Vigiliae christianae vol. 77 (2023) p. 155-175

2Articles  Indicatori demografici si ocupationali la doua populatii ce apartin culturii Sântana de Mure? - Cerneahov (Mihalaseni, jud. Botosani si Valea Seaca, jud. Vaslui) [Demographical and occupational markers of two populations belonging to Sântana de Mures - Chernyakhov Culture (Mihalaseni, Botosani County and Valea Seaca, Vaslui County)]
Simalcsik, Robert Daniel. (2023) - In: Revista de Arheologie, Antropologie si Studii Interdisciplinare vol. 5 (2023) p. 267-278

3Essay  Osteoarchaeological study of cremation burials from the Roman period necropolis of Zadar: taphonomy, demography and pathology
Novak, Mario. (2023) - In: Homines, funera, astra 3-4. The multiple faces of death and burial p. 117-127

4Essay  Demography, Economy, and Trade
Sakellariou, Eleni. (2023) - In: A companion to the Renaissance in southern Italy (1350-1600) p. 65-93

5Articles  Early Ottoman Expansion to Poljica: Some Considerations on the Social Structure and Political Diversification of the Elite
Rimac, Marko. (2022) - In: Historijska traganja vol. 21 (2022) p. 87-121

6Articles  Reines et rois mérovingiens " pleins de jours ": approche démographique, idéologique et pratique
Santinelli-Foltz, Emmanuelle. (2022) - In: Médiévales vol. 82 (2022) p. 31-52

7Articles  Els capítols matrimonials com a font demogràfica i socioeconòmica a l'Edat Mitjana
Díaz Martí, Carles. (2022) - In: Arxiu de textos catalans antics vol. 34 (2022) p. 91-300

8Monographie  Demografía, familia y modelos de reproducción social: La nobleza extremeña a través del estudio del linaje de la Cueva (siglos XV-XIX)
Mejías Gallardo, Carlos. - [Universidad de Extremadura] (2022)

9Articles  Balatonszárszó - Kis-erdei-dulo középkori népességének "paleodemográfiai" elemzése ["Paleodemography" of the medieval population of Balatonszárszó - Kis-erdei-dulö ]
Libor, CsillaMateovics-László, Orsolya. (2022) - In: A Kaposvári Rippl-Rónai Múzeum közleményei vol. 8 (2022) p. 169-178

10Articles  [The most Important Categories of the Christian population with Military Aid or Police-security Duties and their Place in the Social Structure of Ottoman Society - Similarities and Differences (15 - the first decades of the 17th century)]
Yordanov, Krastyo. (2022) - In: Istoriceski pregled vol. 78, 1 (2022) p. 33-93

11Monographie  Shouldering the load: analysing temporal and geographical variation in the prevalence, demography and expression of rotator cuff disease in British skeletal assemblages
Gasparik, Aaron Andrew Jack. - [University College, London] (2022)

12Articles  Aspecte privind evolutia etno-demografica, culturala si spirituala la est Carpati în secolele IV-VII d. Hr. [Aspects regarding the ethno-demographic, cultural and spiritual evolution east of the Carpathians in the IV-VII centuries A.D.]
Teodor, Dan Gheorghe. (2022) - In: Acta Musei Tutovensis vol. 18 (2022) p. 117-123

13Collection of Essays  Condizioni di vita e disuguaglianze: una prospettiva storico-demografica
Mocarelli, LucaOngaro, Giulio [Publ.]. - Udine (2022)

14Monographie  En engi má við skopum vinna: la representación de la estructura de parentesco como destino en Volsunga saga y su relación con la estructura social del Medievo Nórdico
Martín Paez, Mario. - [Universidad Complutense de Madrid] (2022)

15Articles  Debasement and demography in England and France in the Later Middle Ages
Mayhew, NickBall, Katherine. (2022) - In: Continuity and change vol. 37 (2022) p. 233-256

16Essay  Demographic Shifts and the Politics of Taxation in the Making of Fifteenth-Century Brabant
Oostindiër, Arend EliasStapel, Rombert J.. (2022) - In: Constructing and representing territory in late medieval and early modern Europe p. 141-177

17Articles  "Északkelet-magyarországi 10-13. századi népességek demográfiai állapota"
Turtóczki, JózsefBulla, LizaSámuel, Dániel. (2022) - In: Anthropológiai közlemények vol. 63 (2022) p. 59-64

18Articles  The Black Death: window of opportunity or disaster? Demographic growth, stagnation and decline in the County of Hainaut (1349-1541)
Roosen, Joris. (2022) - In: De Medio Aevo vol. 11 (2022) p. 157-173

19Essay  A Presence in Languedoc (12th-13th Centuries). The Demography of Waldensianism in Southern France: Social Status, Families, Women
Taylor, Claire. (2022) - In: A Companion to the Waldenses p. 54-62

20Articles  Nowe spojrzenie na przemiany demograficzne i morfologiczne ludnosci kultury oksywskiej i wielbarskiej z pruszcza Gdanskiego
Pudlo, AleksandraDabrowski, Robert. (2021) - In: Pomorania antiqua vol. 30 (2021) p. 7-34

RI-Opac SearchMatches: 2513