RI OPAC: Literature Database for the Middle Ages - Listing over 2.9 million titles

RI-Opac SearchMatches: 13751

Search Results

Descriptors: Bildungsgeschichte

1Essay  Klösterliche Bildung im Übergang vom Spätmittelalter zur Reformation
Ehmer, Hermann. (2024) - In: FS Leonhard Scherg p. 463-474

2Articles  Thomas Aquinas and the Theological Education of Seminarians
Dodds, Michael J.. (2024) - In: The Thomist vol. 88 (2024) p. 305-326

3Essay  Eine Berufung wird besichtigt. Zur Einrichtung der Professur für Kunstgeschichte am Gießener Institut für Kunstpädagogik
Hattendorff, Claudia. (2024) - In: 150 Jahre Kunstgeschichte an der Universität Gießen p. 227-238

4Essay  The contribution of Mount Athos to religious education
Gkrekas, Vasileios-Aristarchos. (2024) - In: Monasticism education and formation p. 59-68

5Essay  La société des femmes. Éducation et genres de vie
Alexandre-Bidon, Danièle. (2024) - In: Le sceptre & la quenouille p. 90-101

6Essay  Eustathios' Account of the Capture of Thessalonike by the Normans as Instruction in Political Education (paideia)
Sarris, Vassilis. (2024) - In: Education and learning in Byzantine Thessalonike p. 31-50

7Articles  A pedagogical legacy? Abacus tradition and surprising connections. From the Liber abaci (1202) to the economic education in early modern period
Patriarca, Giovanni. (2024) - In: Cuadernos del CEMYR vol. 32 (2024) p. 403-417

8Articles  Ontological Dimension of Community Education Refers to Augustine's Thought in The City of God
Mulyatno, Carolus Borromeus. (2024) - In: Verbum vitae vol. 42 (2024) p. 361-376

9Essay  Perfection - a Main (Educational) Topic in John Cassian's Conferences?
Schenk, Dorothee. (2024) - In: Longing for perfection in late antiquity. Studies on journeys between ideal and reality in pagan and Christian literature p. 438-465

10Articles  Explorando iconos culturales medievales en Educación Primaria: comparativa en manuales escolares de Cataluña y Castilla y León
Carril Merino, Maria TeresaLlonch Molina, Nayrau.a.. (2024) - In: Revista electrónica interuniversitaria de formación del profesorado vol. 27, 2 (2024) p. 35-50

11Collection of Essays  A Global Earth in the Classroom: New Voices in the History of Early Modern Education
Salomoni, David [Publ.]. - Leiden [u.a.] (2024)

12Collection of Essays  Fürsten - Gelehrte - Gesellschaften: Forschungen zur Fürstenherrschaft, Beziehungs- und Bildungsgeschichte in Deutschland und Europa (13. bis 20. Jahrhundert)
Huschner, WolfgangKusche, BeateMenzel, Franziska [Publ.]. - Stuttgart (2024)

13Essay  Teaching perfection. Monastic education in Peter the Athonite: founder of the Anchorite life at Mount Athos
Brombin, Alessia. (2024) - In: Monasticism education and formation p. 41-58

14Essay  Un monaco prestato a Milano? L'educazione nel pensiero e nell'azione pastorale del cardinale Schuster
Premoli, Daniele. (2024) - In: Monasticism education and formation p. 271-289

15Essay  Spätantike Kirchenräume als Orte ästhetischer Bildung. Wahrnehmungslenkung in der Kirchweihrede des Eusebius von Caesarea in Tyros
Verstegen, Ute. (2024) - In: Kunst - Raum - Religion. Orte und Wege ästhetischer Bildung p. 19-42

16Collection of Essays  Monasticism education and formation: acts of the international Symposium Rome, June 8-11, 2021 promoted and organised by the Monastic Institute of the faculty of theology of the Pontifical Athenaeum S. Anselmo
Sawicki, Bernard [Publ.]. - Sankt Ottilien (2024)

17Articles  Formatia clasicista a unui autor patristic: Evagrie Ponticul [The classical education of a Patristic author: Evagrius Ponticus]
Corbu, Agapié. (2024) - In: Classica & Christiana vol. 19 (2024) p. 175-190

18Essay  Los fines de la educación en el occidente medieval
Arquero Caballero, Guillermo Fernando. (2024) - In: Apoteosis de la Educación. Apuntes para una Historia de la Educación desde sus fines p. 86-108

19Monographie  El pasado medieval en la educación franquista
Márquez Márquez, Alejandro. - Madrid (2024)

20Collection of Essays  The sciences in Islamicate societies in context: patronage, education, narratives
Brentjes, Sonja. - Abingdon (2024)

RI-Opac SearchMatches: 13751