RI OPAC: Literature Database for the Middle Ages - Listing over 2.9 million titles

RI-Opac SearchMatches: 2200

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Descriptors: Emotionen

1Essay  The Ascetic Construction of Emotions: "Lupe" and "Akedia" in the Works of Evagrios of Pontos
Crislip, Andrew T.. (2023) - In: Managing emotion in Byzantium. Passions, affects and imaginings p. 240-265

2Essay  Numismatická bibliografie Zdenka Petráne
Petrán, Zdenek. (2023) - In: FS Zdenek Petrán p. 8-21

3Essay  Theorising Emotions: Methodological Tools for Research
Xanthou, Maria G.. (2023) - In: Managing emotion in Byzantium. Passions, affects and imaginings p. 36-59

4Essay  Grotesque Emotions in Old Norse Literature: Swelling Bodies, Spurting Fluids, Tears of Hail
Þorgeirsdóttir, Brynja. (2023) - In: Emotional Alterity in the Medieval North Sea World p. 17-42

5Articles  Monnica's Bishop and the "filius istarum lacrimarum" (conf. 3,21)
Oort, Johannes van. (2023) - In: Church history and religious culture vol. 103 (2023) p. 1-21

6Articles  Emotional Inheritance in Malory's Morte Darthur: Shame and the Lott-Pellinore Feud
Cherewatuk, Karen. (2023) - In: Arthurian literature vol. 38 (2023) p. 209-235

7Articles  Deviants and Dissenters: Theorizing Shame and Punishment in Malory's Morte
Sévère, Richard. (2023) - In: Arthurian literature vol. 38 (2023) p. 156-187

8Essay  The emotions of the Franks
Rosenwein, Barbara H.. (2023) - In: I Franchi (2023) p. 291-304

9Essay  Beschämte und schamlose Körper im 16. und 17. Jahrhundert. Exploration eines französischen Dramenkorpus' mit TXM..
Rok, Cora. (2023) - In: La Renaissance "trop en corps". Perspectives croisées sur le corps renaissant p. 247-263

10Articles  ‘The Shame of Me and My Poor Ruinate House': The Fourth Earl of Huntingdon and the Decline of Aristocratic Power in Elizabethan Leicestershire
Cust, Richard P.. (2023) - In: Midland history vol. 48 (2023) p. 21-48

11Essay  Struggling with fear?: emotions in Medieval travel accounts about the Mongols
Valtrová, Jana. (2023) - In: To Jerusalem and beyond. Interdisciplinary approaches to the study of Latin travel literature p. 93-116

12Monographie  Neid und soziale Ordnung: Diskurse, Strukturen, Narrative
Lieberich, Eva. - Berlin [u.a.] (2023)

13Essay  "Apolausis": feelings at the juncture between body and mind.
Walker, Alicia. (2023) - In: Managing emotion in Byzantium. Passions, affects and imaginings p. 375-404

14Essay  When Did the Emotions Become Political? Medieval Origins and Enlightenment Outcomes
Copeland, Rita. (2023) - In: Essays Alastair Minnis p. 249-268

15Articles  "Du sollst die Scham der Frau deines Bruders nicht entblößen... (Levitikus 18,16): die Ehe von Magnus II., Herzog von Mecklenburg (1441-1503), und Sophie, Herzogin von Pommern-Stettin (+1504), vor dem päpstlichen Gericht info
Wagner, Wolfgang Eric. (2023) - In: Mecklenburgische Jahrbücher vol. 138 (2023) p. 117-140

16Essay  The Neighbour's Unbearable Wellbeing: "Phthonos/Envy" from the Classical to the Modern Greek World
Hinterberger, Martin. (2023) - In: Managing emotion in Byzantium. Passions, affects and imaginings p. 60-89

17Essay  On the Wild Side: "Impossible" Emotions in Medieval German Literature
Kerth, Sonja. (2023) - In: Emotional Alterity in the Medieval North Sea World p. 69-94

18Monographie  Le jeu des émotions dans la littérature française médiévale: du beau aux faux semblant
Carnaille, Camille. - Paris (2023)

19Essay  Zornige Schwüre und maßlose Freude - London als emotionaler Trigger für den englischen Herrscher Heinrich III. (1216-1272)?
Bröker, Christina. (2023) - In: Herrscher in der Metropole. Spannungsfelder zwischen politischer Zentralität und urbaner Diversität p. 155-170

20Articles  Objects, Material Culture and the History of Emotions in Medieval and Early Modern Europe
Trigg, StephanieWelch, Anna. (2023) - In: Emotions. History, Culture, Society vol. 7 (2023) p. 1-8

RI-Opac SearchMatches: 2200