RI OPAC: Literature Database for the Middle Ages - Listing over 2.9 million titles

RI-Opac SearchMatches: 124201

Search Results

Descriptors: Geistes- und Wissensgeschichte

1Book Series E-Medical Philologies. Medizinische Philologien
- Stuttgart (2024 -)

2Book Series Philosophy and Sciences in the Christian Orient
- Berlin [u.a.] (2024 -)

3Book Series Il calamo. Filosofia
- Venezia (2024 -)

4Book Series Jahrbuch für Kommunikationsgeschichte. Beihefte
- Stuttgart (2024 -)

5Monographie  Renaissance masculinities, diplomacy, and cultural transfer: Federico and Ferrante Gonzaga in Italy and beyond
O'Leary, Jessica. - Amsterdam (2024)

6Essay  The King and his Subjects: Methods and Means of Royal Communication
Wecowski, Piotr. (2024) - In: The Jagiellon Dynasty, 1386-1596. Politics, culture, diplomacy p. 137-160

7Articles  Vision (2009): Un paseo por la medicina medieval y por la vida de Hildegarda von Bingen
Molina Aragonés, Josep Maria. (2024) - In: Revista de medicina y cine vol. 20, 2 (2024) p. 175-188

8Articles  La Epístola a Suero de Quiñones de Enrique de Villena: articulación informativa y macroestructura textual en la transición del ars dictaminis a la epístola humanística
Borreguero Zuloaga, Margarita. (2024) - In: Círculo de lingüística aplicada a la comunicación vol. 97 (2024) p. 59-84

9Articles  Logoi Historias across Time: Evolution and Interrelationships in the Writing of Speeches and Letters in Byzantine Historical Works
Taragna, Anna Maria. (2024) - In: Parekbolai vol. 14 (2024) p. 115-170

10Articles  Bruges as a multilingual contact zone: book production and multilingual literary networks in fifteenth-century Bruges
Demets, Lisa. (2024) - In: Urban History vol. 51 (2024) p. 313-332

11Monographie  Regii Honoris Signum: Visigothic Spain and the Transcultural Visuality of Power in a Global Late Antique and Early Medieval World
Wells, Mallory Elizabeth. - [University of California, Irvine] (2024)

12Essay  The Long Journey of Marco Polo's Devisement dou monde
Andreose, Alvise. (2024) - In: The worlds of Marco Polo. The journey of a Venetian merchant from the 13th century p. 40-51

13Articles  Roger Ascham's Latin-Greek Code-Switching: A Philosophical Phenomenon
Nicholas, Lucy R.. (2024) - In: Journal of Latin cosmopolitanism and european literatures vol. 9 (2024)

14Essay  Urban Sanitation and Health in the Low Countries
Coomans, Janna. (2024) - In: Transformaciones del medioambiente en la Edad Media p. 177-198

15Monographie  Aquinas on Change and Time: A Philosophical Analysis of the Commentary on Aristotle's "Physics" III and IV
Gili, Luca. - Baden-Baden (2024)

16Essay  Imitatio Christi as philosophia Christi?. Titus Brandsma on the devotio moderna
Bocken, Iñigo. (2024) - In: Thomas a Kempis. His works and their reception p. 165-

17Monographie  Wege und Seitenwege der Philosophie. Von Anaximander bis Wittgenstein
Ferber, Rafael. - Berlin [u.a.] (2024)

18Collection of Essays  Doing Memory: Medieval Saints and Heroes and Their Afterlives in the Baltic Sea Region (19th-20th centuries)
Heß, CordeliaStrenga, Gustavs [Publ.]. - Berlin [u.a.] (2024)

19Collection of Essays  Monasticism education and formation: acts of the international Symposium Rome, June 8-11, 2021 promoted and organised by the Monastic Institute of the faculty of theology of the Pontifical Athenaeum S. Anselmo
Sawicki, Bernard [Publ.]. - Sankt Ottilien (2024)

20Monographie  Ganz Rhetor, ganz Philosoph - Themistios als Lobredner auf Valens: Ethik als göttliche Herrschaftslegitimation
Mehr, Simone. - Berlin [u.a.] (2024)

RI-Opac SearchMatches: 124201