RI-Opac Search | Matches: 124201 |
Search Results
Descriptors: Geistes- und Wissensgeschichte
1 | E-Medical Philologies. Medizinische Philologien |
2 | Philosophy and Sciences in the Christian Orient |
3 | Il calamo. Filosofia |
4 | Jahrbuch für Kommunikationsgeschichte. Beihefte |
5 | Renaissance masculinities, diplomacy, and cultural transfer: Federico and Ferrante Gonzaga in Italy and beyond O'Leary, Jessica. |
6 | The King and his Subjects: Methods and Means of Royal Communication Wecowski, Piotr. |
7 | Vision (2009): Un paseo por la medicina medieval y por la vida de Hildegarda von Bingen Molina Aragonés, Josep Maria. |
10 | Bruges as a multilingual contact zone: book production and multilingual literary networks in fifteenth-century Bruges Demets, Lisa. |
11 | Regii Honoris Signum: Visigothic Spain and the Transcultural Visuality of Power in a Global Late Antique and Early Medieval World Wells, Mallory Elizabeth. |
12 | The Long Journey of Marco Polo's Devisement dou monde Andreose, Alvise. |
14 | Urban Sanitation and Health in the Low Countries Coomans, Janna. |
15 | Aquinas on Change and Time: A Philosophical Analysis of the Commentary on Aristotle's "Physics" III and IV Gili, Luca. |
16 | Imitatio Christi as philosophia Christi?. Titus Brandsma on the devotio moderna Bocken, Iñigo. |
17 | Wege und Seitenwege der Philosophie. Von Anaximander bis Wittgenstein Ferber, Rafael. |
18 | Doing Memory: Medieval Saints and Heroes and Their Afterlives in the Baltic Sea Region (19th-20th centuries) Heß, Cordelia • Strenga, Gustavs [Publ.]. |
20 | Ganz Rhetor, ganz Philosoph - Themistios als Lobredner auf Valens: Ethik als göttliche Herrschaftslegitimation Mehr, Simone. https://doi.org/10.0000/9783111013244 |
RI-Opac Search | Matches: 124201 |