RI OPAC: Literature Database for the Middle Ages - Listing over 2.8 million titles

RI-Opac SearchMatches: 61

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Descriptors: High Middle AgesKarpaten

1Articles  Plant Based Subsistence Strategy of the Medieval Ishmaelite (12th-13th c.) Population in the Carpathian Basin (NE-Hungary)
Gyulai, FerencSzolnoki, LászlóRósza, ZoltánMerkl, MátéPetö, Ákos. (2019) - In: Environmental archaeology vol. 24 (2019) p. 229-247

2Articles  On the Viking enclaves and their relations with the inhabitants of the Carpathian - Dniester region between the 9th and the 11th centuries
Tentiuc, Ion. (2018 - 2019) - In: Dacia. Revue d'archéologie et d'histoire ancienne vol. 62/63 (2018/19) p. 249-286

3Essay  Towns and urban networks in the Carpathian basin between the eleventh and the early sixteenth centuries
Szende, Katalin. (2018) - In: The art of medieval Hungary p. 65-81

4Articles  Armament din secolele V-XI la est de Carpati
Teodor, Dan Gheorghe. (2017) - In: Acta Musei Tutovensis vol. 13 (2017) p. 260-272

5Essay  Notes on the Tenth-Century Magyar Bow. Mutilated, Ruptured and Broken Lateral Tip Plates in the Tenth-Eleventh-Century Archaeological Material of the Carpathian B
Biró, Ádám. (2016) - In: FS Csanád Bálint p. 605-622

6Articles  Versuche zur um Vollständigkeit bemühten Herausgabe der ungarischen Grab-, Streu- und Schatzfunde im Karpatenbecken des 10.-12. Jahrhunderts: Fundkataster, Korpusreihe
Kovács, László. (2016) - In: Antaeus vol. 34 (2016) p. 417ff.

7Articles  O pogrebnim obicajima u 11. st. pr. Kr. na jugu Karpatske kotline (primjer: groblje u Slatini) [ On Burial Practices in the Southern Carpathian Basin in the 11th Century BC (Case Study: Cemetery in Slatina)]
Loznjak Dizdar, DariaRajic Šikanjic, Petra. (2016) - In: Prilozi Instituta za Arheologiju u Zagrebu vol. 33 (2016) p. 133-153

8Essay  Eine Variante der sogennanten geflochtenen Drahtringe: die doppelt gedrehten Drahtringe im 11. Jahrhundert im Karpatenbecken (Skizze).
Kovács, László. (2016) - In: FS Csanád Bálint p. 591-604

9Articles  Archäologische Angaben zum Beziehungssystem des Karpatenbeckens und des Ostalpenraumes im 10.-11. Jahrhundert - Von West nach Ost.
Horváth, Ciprián. (2015) - In: Acta archaeologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae vol. 66 (2015) p. 387-451

10Essay  An attempt to classify the stirrups dating from the 10th century and the first quarter of the 11th century in the Transylvanian Basin, the Crisana/Partium and the Banat with an outlook to the Carpathian Basin
Gáll, Erwin. (2015) - In: Warriors, weapons, and harness from the 5th-10th centuries in the Carpathian Basin p. 355ff.

11Articles  O analiza a vietii agricole în spatiul est-carpatic în timpul migratiilor târzii (secolele XI-XIII): continuitate ori discontinuitate [A Survey of Agricultural Life in the Eastern Carpathian Area During the Late Migrations (11th - 13th Centuries): Continuity or Discontinuity]
Bilavschi, George-Aurelian. (2015) - In: Arheologia Moldovei vol. 38 (2015) p. 69-94

12Essay  The analysis of pottery from 10th-11th-century graves in the Carpathian basin. Technological and typo-chronological studies.
Merva, Szabina. (2014) - In: Avars, Bulgars and Magyars on the Middle and Lower Danube p. 197-262

13Essay  Towards a classification of grave types and burial rites in the 10th-11th century Carpathian basin - some remarks and observations.
Türk, Attila. (2014) - In: Avars, Bulgars and Magyars on the Middle and Lower Danube p. 137-155

14Essay  The symbolic and real cranial trepanations in 9-12th century Carpathian Basin
Dénes, Szabó. (2013) - In: Od spitála k nemocnici. Zdravotníctvo, sociálna starostlivosf a osveta v dejinách Slovenska p. 9-18

15Monographie  Carpatii sud-estici în evul mediu târziu: (1166 - 1526) ; o istorie europeana prin pasurile montane [South-East Carpathians in the Late Middle Ages (1164 - 1526): a European history through the mountain passes]
Iosipescu, Sergiu. - Braila (2013)

16Essay  Die Repräsentation und Legitimation von Herrschaft im hochmittelalterlichen Karpaten- und Tarimbecken. Indizien aus arpadischen und qarakhanidischen Konversionserzählungen
Ott, Undine. (2013) - In: Macht des Goldes, Gold der Macht p. 499-524

17Articles  Observations sur les necropoles planes dans la region comprise entre le Bas-Danube, les Carpates et le Dniestr aux Xe-XIIIe siècles
Ionita, Adrian. (2013) - In: Banatica vol. 23 (2013) p. 203-222

18Essay  Magángondolatok temeto, település és településtörté-net viszonyáról a 10-11. századi Kárpát-medencében [Private Thoughts on the Relation between Cemetery, Settlement and Settlement History of Carpathian Basin in 10-11th centuries]
Bollók, Ádam. (2013) - In: FS Borbála Bak p. 25-70

19Articles  Consideratii privind stadiul actual si prioritatile cercetarii culturii hallstattului canelat de tip Chisinau-Corlateni din spatiul Carpato-Nistrean (sec. XII-X î.e.n.) [Considerations on the current state of art and priorities in the study of the Chisinau-Corlateni culture of the Carpathian-Dniester area (the 12th-10th centuries B.C.)]
Levitki, OlegSîrbu, Livia. (2012) - In: Revista arheologica Ser. NS, vol. 8 (2012) p. 58-68

20Articles  Coronitele din placute imprimate din regiunea Carpato-Dunareana în contextul antichitatilor din Europa de est si sud-est (sec. XII-XV). [The crowns made of the embossed plaques of the Carpathian-Danube region in the context of the Antiquities of Eastern and South-Eastern Europe (XII-XV centuries)]
Reabtseva, Svetlana. (2012) - In: Revista arheologica Ser. NS, vol. 8 (2012) p. 93-104

RI-Opac SearchMatches: 61