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RI-Opac SearchMatches: 37

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Descriptors: Longchamp, Kloster

1Articles  Burnell the Ass. Nigel von Longchamp und die Wissenschaftskritik seiner Zeit
Roling, Bernd. (2015) - In: Zeitschrift für Germanistik vol. 25 (2015) p. 28-41

2Articles  Censive des Dames de Longchamp (1268-1752)
Warembourg, Jean-Marc. (2015) - In: Bulletin de la Société Historique et Archéologique de l'Essonne et du Hurepoix vol. 85 (2015) p. 37-58

3Articles  Paris to Rome and Back Again: The Nuns of Longchamp and Leo X's 1521 Bull Piis omnium
Field, Sean L.. (2014) - In: Studies in Medieval and Renaissance history Ser. 3, vol. 11 (2014) p. 155-223

4Articles  "She is the second St. Clare": the exemplum of Jehanne de Neuville, Abbess of Longchamp, in a fourteenth-century defense of women by Jehan Le Fèvre
Burke, Linda. (2013) - In: Franciscan Studies vol. 71 (2013) p. 325-360

5Essay  Longchamp and Lourcine: The Role of Female Abbeys in the Construction of Capetian Memory (Late Thiiteenth Century to Mid-Fourteenth Century)
Allirot, Anne-Hélène. (2013) - In: Memory and Commemoration in Medieval Culture p. 243-260

6Essay  La chute de Guillaume de Longchamp (1191) ou la rumeur instrumentalisee
Türk, Egbert. (2011) - In: La rumeur au Moyen Âge. Du mépris à la manipulation (Ve - XVe siècle) p. 195-212

7Essay  Prag - Longchamp - Königsfelden: Das Kloster als Residenz dynastischer Frauen im späten Mittelalter
Hilsebein, Angelica. (2010) - In: Pfalz - Kloster - Klosterpfalz. St. Johann in Müstair. Historische und archäologische Fragen p. 253-266

8Articles  Longchamp et Lourcine, deux abbayes féminines et royales dans la construction de la mémoire capétienne: (fin XIII-I moitié du XIV siècle)
Allirot, Anne-Hélène. (2008) - In: Revue d'histoire de l'église de France vol. 94 (2008) p. 23-38

9Essay  Does an Author Understand his Own Text? Nigel of Longchamp and the "Speculum stultorum"
Mann, Jill. (2008) - In: Proceedings of the Fifth International Congress for Medieval Latin Studies p. 1-37

10Articles  Imagining Isabelle: the fifteenth-century epitaph of Isabelle of France at Longchamp
Field, Sean L.. (2007) - In: Franciscan Studies vol. 65 (2007) p. 371-403

11Articles  Does an Author Understand his Own Text? Nigel of Longchamp and the "Speculum stultorum"
Mann, Jill. (2007) - In: The journal of medieval Latin vol. 17 (2007) p. 1-37

12Articles  The abbesses of Longchamp in the sixteenth century
Field, Sean L.. (2007) - In: Archivum franciscanum historicum vol. 100 (2007) p. 553-559

13Monographie  Isabelle de France et l'abbaye de Longchamp
Joudiou, Gabrielle. - Paris (2006)

14Essay  Discussions sur les quatre éléments chez Alain de Lille et Raoul de Longchamp
Caiazzo, Irène. (2005) - In: Alain de Lille, le docteur universel p. 145-167

15Articles  The Abbesses of Longchamp up to the Black Death
Field, Sean L.. (2003) - In: Archivum franciscanum historicum vol. 96 (2003) p. 237-244

16Monographie  The writings of Agnes of Harcourt: the life of Isabelle of France & the letter on Louis IX and Longchamp
Agnes <d'Harcourt>. Field, Sean L. [Publ.]. - Notre Dame, Ind. (2003)

17Essay  Art. Wilhelm Longchamp, Bf. von Ely († 1197)
Critchley, John S.. (1998) - In: Lexikon des Mittelalters Pt. 9 p. Sp. 154-155

18Articles  The origins of the Longchamp family
Balfour, David. (1997) - In: Medieval prosopography vol. 18 (1997) p. 73-92

19Articles  Clare of Assisi and Isabelle of Longchamp: Further Light on the Early Development of Franciscan Charism
Lynn, Beth. (1997) - In: Magistra vol. 3 (1997) p. 71-98

20Monographie  William Longchamp: Upward mobility and character assassination in twelfth-century England
Balfour, David Bruce. - [University of Connecticut] (1996)

RI-Opac SearchMatches: 37