RI OPAC: Literature Database for the Middle Ages - Listing over 2.9 million titles

RI-Opac SearchMatches: 28

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Descriptors: Central America

1Monographie  'The People from Heaven'? Reading indigenous responses to Europeans during moments of early encounter in the Caribbean and Mesoamerica, 1492-c.1585
Rogers, Claudia Jane. - [University of Leeds] (2018)

2Essay  Un mélange des genres plus qu'ordinaire: panorama de l'hybridité hommeanimal en Mésoamérique et dans les Andes
Latsanopoulos, NicolasGoepfert, Nicolas. (2017) - In: L' homme-animal dans les arts visuels p. 50-61

3Essay  Foreigners from far-off islands: long-distance exchange between western Mesoamerica and coastal South America (600-1200 ce) - a globalization analysis
Geurds, Alexander. (2017) - In: The Routledge handbook of archaeology and globalization p. 212-228

4Essay  Cities of Middle America and the Caribbean
Albandoz, RobertoBrothers, TimDixon, SethEscamilla, IrmaScarpaci, Joseph L.Sigler, Thomas. (2016) - In: Cities of the world. Regional patterns and urban environments p. 97-136

5Essay  Mesoamerican state formation in the Postclassic period
Smith, Michael E.. (2015) - In: The Cambridge History of the World 5 p. 610-637

6Book Series Acta Mesoamericana
- München (2014)

7Essay  In tlilli in tlapalli: escritura e ilustración de los manuscritos mesoamericanos
Kroustallis, StefanosBruquetas Galán, RocíoRoquero, Ana. (2013) - In: Los manuscritos de la Historia general de las cosas de la Nueva España de Bernardino de Sahagún p. 93-110

8Essay  Les jeux préhispaniques en Mésoamérique: survivances et continuité
Taladoire, É.. (2011) - In: Les Indiens des petites Antilles p. 255-270

9Essay  Forms and Types of Work, and the Acculturation of the Colonial Indian of Mesoamerica: Some Preliminary Observations
MacLeod, Murdo J.. (2009) - In: European intruders and changes in behaviour and customs in Africa, America, and Asia before 1800 p. 155-172

10Essay  Mesoamerica from the Olmecs to the Aztecs
Hassig, Ross. (2008) - In: The ancient world at war. A global history p. 275-294

11Collection of Essays  The social experience of childhood in ancient Mesoamerica
Ardren, Traci [Publ.]. - Boulder, Colo. (2006)

12Book Series Mesoamerican worlds
- Boulder, Colo. (2006)

13Monographie  Taken from the lips: gender and eros in Mesoamerican religions
Marcos, Sylvia. - Leiden (2006)

14Essay  Las joyas tributadas a los españoles: los códices mesoamericanos como fuente de estudio
Ruz Barrio, Miguel Angel. (2006) - In: Actas del Congreso Internacional "V Centenario de la Muerte del Almirante" Pt. 1 p. 139-150

15Monographie  Im Reich von Krokodil und Jaguar: vorkolumbische Keramiken, Stein- und Jadeplastiken im Mittleren Zentralamerika ; [Ausstellung ; vom 12. November 2006 - 28. Januar 2007]
Haggenmiller, Dieter. - Landsberg am Lech (2006)

16Monographie  Becoming Aztlan: Mesoamerican influence in the greater Southwest, AD 1200 - 1500
Riley, Carroll L.. - Salt Lake City (2005)

17Monographie  Civilizacion amerindia: tipologia historico plástica de las culturas precolombinas ; Norteamérica, Mesoamérica, Centroamérica, Suramérica, 40000 a.C. - 1532 d.C.
Sondereguer, CésarPunta, Carlos. - Buenos Aires (2005)

18Collection of Essays  Wars and conflicts in prehispanic Mesoamerica and the Andes: selected proceedings of the conference organized by the Société des Américainists de Belgique with the collaboration of Wayleb (European Association of Mayanists) ; Brussels, 16 - 17 November 2002
Eeckhout, Peter [Publ.]. - Oxford (2005)

19Essay  Perpetuating Celestial Order in an Earthly Environment: Astronomy in Mesoamerica around 1000
Sprajc, Ivan. (2004) - In: The World in the Year 1000 p. 87-102

20Monographie  El historiador frente a la historia: el tiempo en Mesoamérica
Guedea, VirginiaLeon Portilla, Miguel. - México (2004)

RI-Opac SearchMatches: 28