RI OPAC: Literature Database for the Middle Ages - Listing over 2.9 million titles

RI-Opac SearchMatches: 8503

Search Results

Descriptors: Sciences

1Essay  Love and Friendship in Astrology and Astrai Magic
Burnett, Charles. (2023) - In: Le metafore dell'amicizia, dell'amore e della pace (secoli XI-XII) p. 19-26

2Essay  Les manuscrits d'astronomie mathematique dans la bibliothèque du couvent de San Marco à la fin du quinzieme siècle: quelle image de l'astronomie alphonsine ?
Husson, Matthieu. (2023) - In: Savoirs profanes dans les ordres mendiants en Italie, XIIIe-XVe siècle p. 179-198

3Monographie  Geo-heliocentric controversies: the Jesuits, Tycho Brahe, and the confessionalisation of science in Seventeenth-century Lisbon
Carolino, Luis Miguel. - Venezia (2023)

4Articles  Gastronomía medieval en Murcia. Ibn Razin al-Tugibi
Galiana, IsmaelLarrosa, Pachi. (2023) - In: Náyades vol. 15 (2023) p. 29-35

5Monographie  Roger Bacon and the Incorruptible Human, 1220-1292: Alchemy, Pharmacology and the Desire to Prolong Life
Allen, Meagan S.. - Cham (2023)

6Essay  Abu Mashar and the Tradition of Planetary Lots in Astrology
Greenbaum, Dorian Giseler. (2023) - In: Studies Charles Burnett p. 19-56

7Articles  The ideas of Pseudo-Empedocles in Baghdad mysticism of the ninth-tenth centuries CE: Al-Hallaj's cosmology
Basharin, Pavel. (2023) - In: Medieval worlds vol. 18 (2023) p. 159-181

8Essay  L'Odyssée des mathématiques dans l'angélologie: usage et ontologie, du Moyen Age à la Renaissance
Lamy, Alice. (2023) - In: Etudes Tiziana Suarez-Nani p. 335-350

9Essay  Trans Animacies and Premodern Alchemies
Goodrich, Micah James. (2023) - In: Medieval Mobilities. Gendered Bodies, Spaces, and Movements p. 199-223

10Collection of Essays  Liber Astrologiae Abu Ma‘shar Treatise
Liskiewicz, IzabelaMiró, Mónica [Publ.]. - Barcelona (2023)

11Monographie  Le monde mathématique. Marco Trevisano et la philosophie dans la Venice du Trecento
Robert, Aurélien. - Paris (2023)

12Articles  The Place of Poetry in Sacrobosco's Sphere: Astronomy and Interpretation
Gaston, Kara. (2023) - In: Speculum vol. 98 (2023) p. 421-446

13Articles  Measurements of altitude and geographic latitude in Latin astronomy, 1100-1300
Nothaft, Carl Philipp Emanuel. (2023) - In: Archive for history of exact sciences vol. 77 (2023) p. 537-577

14Articles  Jerónimo Muñoz's Reception of Proclus' In Euclidem: Philosophy of Mathematics and an Attempt to Prove the Parallel Postulate
Campillo Bo, Álvaro José. (2023) - In: Early science and medicine vol. 28 (2023) p. 631-658

15Essay  Handwritten Arithmetic Treatises in German (1400-1550). A First Assessment of the Sources Based on the Exemplary Corpus Held by the Austrian National Library
Wiesinger, MichaelaJackel, ChristinaOrbán, Norbert Hunor. (2023) - In: State Debate & Knowledge Collaboration p. 72-107

16Articles  Merlin's Woodland House: Irish Cosmology in the Vita Merlin?
Lopatin, JenniferMcMullen, Albert Joseph. (2023) - In: Arthurian literature vol. 38 (2023) p. 302-312

17Essay  Text-Bild-Relationen in kalendarisch kosmologischen Werken des 15. und 16. Jahrhunderts.
Krokowski, Tim. (2023) - In: Text und Bild - Relationen und Funktionen in Texten p. 183-208

18Essay  Schreiben, Rechnen, Buch führen. Handlungswissen als Schlüssel zum beruflichen Erfolg in einer internationalen Handelsstadt. St. Gallen im Übergang vom Mittelalter in die Frühe Neuzeit
Sonderegger, Stefan (Historiker). (2023) - In: Bildung und Region. Wissenstransfer und Institutionen in Schwaben und im Alpenraum vom 15. bis ins 20. Jahrhundert p. 21-54

19Essay  Aspetri dei mondo rurale e rimandi cosmologici nelle fonti storico-artistiche
Stroppa, Francesca. (2023) - In: La Sicilia nei secoli VI-X. Dinamiche di poteri e culture tra Oriente e Occidente p. 517-559

20Articles  Astrological Self-Government at the Fifteenth-Century Court of Bourbon
Vanden Broecke, Steven. (2023) - In: Early science and medicine vol. 28 (2023) p. 34-62

RI-Opac SearchMatches: 8503