RI OPAC: Literature Database for the Middle Ages - Listing over 2.8 million titles

RI-Opac SearchMatches: 12

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Descriptors: Modern eraAndreescu, Stefan (1947-)

1Monographie  Istoria românilor: cronicari, misionari, ctitori (sec. XV-XVII) [The History of Romanians: Chroniclers, Missionaries, Founders, Fifteenth-Seventeenth Centuries]
Andreescu, Stefan. - Cluj-Napoca (2007)

2Articles  Un Français au service de deux princes roumains à la fin du XVIe siècle
Andreescu, Stefan. (2007) - In: Historical yearbook (Bucharest) vol. 4 (2007) p. 81-86

3Articles  Marea Neagra în lupta pentru succesiunea la tronul otoman din anii 1510-1512 [The Black Sea in the Fight for the Otoman Throne Succession, 1510-1512]
Andreescu, Stefan. (2007) - In: Studii si materiale de istorie medie vol. 25 (2007) p. 29-46

4Essay  "Crudiada Târzie" si Marea Neagra ["The Late Crusade" and the Black Sea]
Andreescu, Stefan. (2006) - In: Marea Neagra. Puteri maritime - puteri terestre (sec. XIII - XVIII) p. 122-158

5Articles  Comertul la Dunarea de Jos la sfârsitul secolului al XVI-lea: noi observatii [The Comerce at the Low Danube at the End of the Sixteenth Century: New Observations]
Andreescu, Stefan. (2005) - In: Revista istorica NS Ser. NS, vol. 16 (2005) p. 51-58

6Collection of Essays  Stephen the Great, prince of Moldavia (1457-1504). Historical Bibliography
Andreescu, StefanCojocaru, TatianaCristea, OvidiuMihailescu, MarianaPopescu, AncaTerticel, Achim [Publ.]. - Bucuresti (2004)

7Essay  Crimeea in viziunea observatorilor occidentali in secolele XVII si XVIII [Crimeea Seen by the Western Observers in the Seventeenth and the Eighteenth Centuries]
Andreescu, Stefan. (2003) - In: FS Petre S. Nasturel p. 673-726

8Monographie  Din istoria Marii Negre: genovezi, români si tatari în spatiul pontic în secolele XIV - XVII
Andreescu, Stefan. - Bucuresti (2001)

9Essay  An episode of the Rumanian-Venetian relations by the middle of the 17th century
Andreescu, Stefan. (1997) - In: Studi Geo Pistarino Pt. 1 p. 13-19

10Monographie  Istoria românilor: cronicari, misionari, ctitori (sec. XV-XVII) [The History of Romanians: Chroniclers, Missionaries, Founders, Fifteenth-Seventeenth Centuries]
Andreescu, Stefan. - Bucuresti (1997)

11Essay  Giovanni Antonio Spinola et les survivances génoises en Crimée au XVIe siècle
Andreescu, Stefan. (1995) - In: Coloniser au Moyen Âge p. 386-391

12Articles  Alliances dynastiques des princes de Valachie (XIV.-XVI. siècles)
Andreescu, Stefan. (1985) - In: Revue des études sud-est européennes vol. 23 (1985) p. 359-368

RI-Opac SearchMatches: 12