RI OPAC: Literature Database for the Middle Ages - Listing over 2.8 million titles

RI-Opac SearchMatches: 223206

Search Results

Descriptors: Modern eraHorstkötter, Ludger (20. Jh.)

1Monographie  Identités subies, identités intégrées: les Grecs dans l'Europe du Nord-Ouest (XVe-XVIe siècles)
Couderc, Mathieu. - Paris (2023)

2Essay  Juden in Thüringen in der frühen Neuzeit
Mötsch, Johannes. (2023) - In: Jüdische Geschichte in Thüringen p. 81-98

3Essay  Spital und Außenwelt - Dingliche Dimensionen eines diplomatischen Privatarchivs aus dem 16. Jahrhundert im Regensburger St. Katharinenspital
Kaulfersch, Georg R.. (2023) - In: Spitalobjekte. Materielle Kulturen des Spitals in der Vormoderne p. 323-342

4Essay  Bibliographie des ouvrages et articles de Laurent Feiler
Feller, Laurent. (2023) - In: Études Laurent Feller p. 31-49

5Collection of Essays  Reassessing epistemic images in the early modern world
Noyes, Ruth S. [Publ.]. - Amsterdam (2023)

6Essay  Marketplace Encounters: Social Mixing on the Streets of Early Modern Florence
Weintritt, April D.. (2023) - In: Interpreting urban spaces in Italian cultures p. 19-38

7Essay  Abstandshalter. Zur dinglichen Dimension sozialer Distanzierung in der institutionellen Seuchenbekämpfung des Spätmittelalters und der Frühen Neuzeit (1200-1600)
Keupp, Jan Ulrich. (2023) - In: Spitalobjekte. Materielle Kulturen des Spitals in der Vormoderne p. 235-262

8Essay  All That Glitters Is Not Gold: False Jewellery and Its Juridical Regulation in Italy between the Late Middle Ages and the Early Modern Period
Boldrini, Federica. (2023) - In: Faking it! The performance of forgery in late medieval and early modern culture p. 52-74

9Collection of Essays  XXIX Jornadas de Patrimonio Cultural de la Región de Murcia: 3, 10, 17 y 24 de octubre de 2023
Collado Espejo, Pedro EnriqueGarcía Sandoval, JuanIniesta Sanmartín, Angel [Publ.]. - Murcia (2023)

10Articles  Aplicaciones y rumbos de la filología de autor en la poesía española del siglo XVI
Tomassetti, Isabella. (2023) - In: Revista de Cancioneros impresos y manuscritos vol. 12 (2023) p. 211-213

11Essay  The Lure of Shopping: The Mercerie in Early Modern Venice and the City as a Permanent Mall
Cecchini, Isabella. (2023) - In: Interpreting urban spaces in Italian cultures p. 81-110

12Monographie  Propertied Women's Economic Agency in Norway c.1400-1550
Pedersen, Susann Anett. - Leiden [u.a.] (2023)

13Collection of Essays  Sensibilità moderne: storie di affetti, passioni e sensi (secoli XV-XVIII)
Arcangeli, AlessandroPlebani, Tiziana [Publ.]. - Roma (2023)

14Collection of Essays  Landscape and earth in early modernity: picturing unruly nature
Göttler, ChristineMochizuki, Mia M. [Publ.]. - Amsterdam (2023)

15Collection of Essays  Global gold: aesthetics, material desires, economies in the late Medieval and early modern world
Cummins, Thomas B. F. [Publ.]. - Milano (2023)

16Collection of Essays  Reading the reformations: theologies, cultures and beliefs in an age of change
French, Anna [Publ.]. - Leiden [u.a.] (2023)

17Articles  The Rule of St. Benedict as a Blueprint for the Reformation of Carolingian Spirituality in the Via Regia of abbot Smaragdus of St. Mihiel
LePree, James Francis. (2023) - In: The American Benedictine review vol. 74 (2023) p. 61-77

18Articles  Vademecum delle fonti scritte nell'ambito dell'Ufficio delle cerimonie pontificie a cavallo tra il XV e il XVI sec.
Zak, Lukasz. (2023) - In: Anuario de Historia de la Iglesia vol. 32 (2023) p. 375-398

19Collection of Essays  Medieval Rus' and Early Modern Russia: Texts and Contexts; essays in honour of Simon C. Franklin
Torres Prieto, SusanaFranklin, Andrei [Publ.]. - Abingdon (2023)

20Essay  Bibliografia 1981-2022
Bertazzo, Luciano. (2023) - In: Bertazzo, Lumen vitae et scientiae p. XXIX-LXIV

RI-Opac SearchMatches: 223206