RI OPAC: Literature Database for the Middle Ages - Listing over 2.9 million titles

RI-Opac SearchMatches: 9662

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Descriptors: North Africa

1Collection of Essays  Shaping letters, shaping communities: multilingualism and linguistic practice in the late antique Near East and Egypt
Minets, YuliyaNowakowski, Pawel F. [Publ.]. - Leiden [u.a.] (2024)

2Monographie  Marqus ibn Qunbar's Master and Disciple. Coptic Medieval Controversy on Auricular Confession
Sadek, Botros K.. - Leiden [u.a.] (2024)

3Articles  "Just as You Quenched the Fiery Furnace of Nebuchadnezzar, Also Quench Every Fever." The Three Holy Children in Coptic Magic
Bélanger Sarrazin, Roxanne. (2024) - In: Vigiliae christianae vol. 78 (2024) p. 58-86

4Collection of Essays  Fragments d'histoire et d'épigraphie romaines: hommages offerts à Zeineb Benzina Ben Abdallah
Aounallah, Samir [Publ.]. - Tunis (2024)

5Monographie  Pottery of Manqabad: 2, Pottery production and types from the Monastery of Manqabad at Asuyt (Egypt)
Incordino, Ilaria. - Oxford (2023)

6Essay  Not Paying Taxes in Roman Egypt
Droß-Krüpe, Kerstin. (2023) - In: Histories of tax evasion, avoidance and resistance p. 71-83

7Articles  A Glimpse into Egyptian/Syrian Elite Book Culture During the Seventh/Thirteenth Century: Booklist T-S Misc. 24.28 from the Cairo Geniza Corpus
Aljoumani, SaidHirschler, Konrad. (2023) - In: Der Islam. Zeitschrift für Geschichte und Kultur des islamischen Orients vol. 100 (2023) p. 504-518

8Collection of Essays  Il libro delle anafore della Chiesa copta ortodossa
Chéhab, Mamdouh [Ed.]. Nicolotti, Andrea [Publ.]. - Münster (2023)

9Articles  Vent d'Est, vent d'Ouest: saints et soufis entre al-Andalus, Maroc et Égypte
Mayeur-Jaouen, Catherine. (2023) - In: E-Spania vol. 45 (2023)

10Collection of Essays  Die Vita des koptischen Klostergründers Pachom: Synoptische Darstellung, Übersetzung und Analyse
Bojowald, Stefan [Publ.]. - Berlin [u.a.] (2023)

11Essay  Traditionelle Elemente in der christlichen Grabkultur Ägyptens
Nauerth, Claudia. (2023) - In: Funerary landscapes of the Late Antique "oecumene" p. 159-176

12Articles  Le Danaidi nella tarda antichità: il caso di Amimone nell'ekphrasis di Cristodoro di Copto (AP, 2, 61-68)
Beriotto, Maria Pia. (2023) - In: Rivista di cultura classica e medioevale vol. 65 (2023) p. 35-51

13Articles  Eastern Sages in Roman Egypt: Manichaean Trajectories through a "Global" Late Antiquity
Pettipiece, Timothy. (2023) - In: Studies in Late Antiquity vol. 7 (2023) p. 137-154

14Essay  "We Rejoice All of Us as We See Your Bémol' (Psalm Book 229, 24.19): Visualization and the Art of Memory in the Coptic Manichaean Psalms
Iricinschi, Eduard. (2023) - In: The Medinet Madi Library of Manichaean Codices at 90 p. 187-218

15Essay  Staple for Body and Soul: Working at and Visiting the Upper Egyptian Monastery Deir Anba Hadra
Krastel, Lena S.Olschok, SebastianRichter, Tonio Sebastian. (2023) - In: Monastic economies in late antique Egypt and Palestine p. 298-333

16Essay  Ethiopian and Coptic sewing techniques in comparison
Dal Sasso, Eliana. (2023) - In: Tied and Bound. A Comparative View on Manuscript Binding p. 251-284

17Essay  Cooking, Baking, and Serving: A Window into the Kitchen of Egyptian Monastic Households and the Archaeology of Cooking
Brooks Hedstrom, Darlene L.. (2023) - In: Monastic economies in late antique Egypt and Palestine p. 152-180

18Essay  Towards an Edition of the Coptic Manichaean Synaxeis Codex: Another Progress Report
Funk, Wolf-Peter. (2023) - In: The Medinet Madi Library of Manichaean Codices at 90 p. 7-14

19Collection of Essays  Monastic economies in late antique Egypt and Palestine
Blanke, LouiseCromwell, Jennifer [Publ.]. - Cambridge (2023)

20Collection of Essays  The drill in sculpture: from Ancient Egypt to Modernism
D'Agostino, PaolaSimonato, Lucia [Publ.]. - Turnhout (2023)

RI-Opac SearchMatches: 9662