RI-Opac Search | Matches: 9662 |
Search Results
Descriptors: North Africa
1 | Shaping letters, shaping communities: multilingualism and linguistic practice in the late antique Near East and Egypt Minets, Yuliya • Nowakowski, Pawel F. [Publ.]. |
2 | Marqus ibn Qunbar's Master and Disciple. Coptic Medieval Controversy on Auricular Confession Sadek, Botros K.. |
4 | Fragments d'histoire et d'épigraphie romaines: hommages offerts à Zeineb Benzina Ben Abdallah Aounallah, Samir [Publ.]. |
5 | Pottery of Manqabad: 2, Pottery production and types from the Monastery of Manqabad at Asuyt (Egypt) Incordino, Ilaria. |
6 | Not Paying Taxes in Roman Egypt Droß-Krüpe, Kerstin. |
8 | Il libro delle anafore della Chiesa copta ortodossa Chéhab, Mamdouh [Ed.]. Nicolotti, Andrea [Publ.]. |
9 | Vent d'Est, vent d'Ouest: saints et soufis entre al-Andalus, Maroc et Égypte Mayeur-Jaouen, Catherine. https://journals.openedition.org/e-spania/46849 |
10 | Die Vita des koptischen Klostergründers Pachom: Synoptische Darstellung, Übersetzung und Analyse Bojowald, Stefan [Publ.]. |
11 | Traditionelle Elemente in der christlichen Grabkultur Ägyptens Nauerth, Claudia. |
12 | Le Danaidi nella tarda antichità: il caso di Amimone nell'ekphrasis di Cristodoro di Copto (AP, 2, 61-68) Beriotto, Maria Pia. |
13 | Eastern Sages in Roman Egypt: Manichaean Trajectories through a "Global" Late Antiquity Pettipiece, Timothy. |
16 | Ethiopian and Coptic sewing techniques in comparison Dal Sasso, Eliana. |
18 | Towards an Edition of the Coptic Manichaean Synaxeis Codex: Another Progress Report Funk, Wolf-Peter. |
19 | Monastic economies in late antique Egypt and Palestine Blanke, Louise • Cromwell, Jennifer [Publ.]. |
20 | The drill in sculpture: from Ancient Egypt to Modernism D'Agostino, Paola • Simonato, Lucia [Publ.]. |
RI-Opac Search | Matches: 9662 |