RI-Opac Search | Matches: 1663 |
Search Results
Descriptors: Propaganda
3 | The power of the wicked. Bad biblical queens in Carolingian propaganda Stone, Rachel. |
4 | Papal crusade propaganda and attacks against Jews in France in the 1230s: a breakdown of communication? Maier, Christoph T.. |
6 | Mobility in seventh-century Byzantium: analysing Emperor Heraclius' political ideology and propaganda Sykopetritou, Paraskevi. |
7 | A Method to the Madness? Chivalry, Propaganda, and Cultural Memory in the Anabaptist Kingdom of Münster Randolph, Jacob. |
9 | L'immagine del pontefice: Niccolò V e la propaganda attraverso le arti De Simone, Gerardo. |
11 | Rumour, slander and propaganda in fifteenth-century Scottish politics McKelvie, Gordon. |
12 | The art and government service of Francesco di Bartolomeo Alfei (c. 1421 - c. 1495): visual propaganda and undercover agency for the Republic of Siena. Thomas, Anabel. |
14 | Modelos clasicistas de propaganda regia en la Alhambra cristiana: Alejandro Magno y Felipe II León Coloma, Miguel Angel. |
16 | La propagande théodoridenne contre les Francs d'après les oeuvres d'Ennode de Pavie et de Cassiodore Gioanni, Stéphane. |
18 | Teodora Petralifina di Arta e la propaganda agiografico-politica nel Despotato d'Epiro Fasolio, Marco. |
19 | Los Reyes Católicos en la propaganda de Vox: entre neofalangismo y glorias de cartón piedra Carrasco Manchado, Ana Isabel. |
20 | Salustios' Schrift als Propagandadokument Lecerf, Adrien. |
RI-Opac Search | Matches: 1663 |