RI OPAC: Literature Database for the Middle Ages - Listing over 2.8 million titles

RI-Opac SearchMatches: 323

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Descriptors: South EuropeEgypt

1Essay  Trade Relations Between Sicily, Ifriqiya, and Egypt Under the Fatimids and Zirids of Ifriqiya (Tenth-Eleventh Centuries)
Bramoullé, David. (2022) - In: Mapping pre-modern Sicily. Maritime violence, cultural exchange, and imagination in the Mediterranean, 800-1700 p. 93-109

2Essay  From Alexandria to Tinnis: the kingdom of Sicily, Egypt and the Holy Land, 1154-87
Murray, Alan V.. (2021) - In: Studies Graham A. Loud p. 305-322

3Articles  La recepción de las Maravillas de la Antigüedad en España a través de los testimonios de viajeros a Egipto entre el s. XII y los albores del XVI
Miguel Irureta, Ainhoa de. (2020) - In: El Futuro del Pasado vol. 11 (2020) p. 31-52

4Essay  A Wondrous Past, a Dangerous Present: The Egyptian Temple of Akhmim and the Martorana Church in Palermo, as Seen through Ibn Jubayr's Travelogue
Calasso, Giovanna. (2020) - In: Medieval Sicily, al-Andalus, and the Maghrib. Writing in Times of Turmoil p. 127-148

5Articles  Von Venedig ins Heilige Land und nach Ägypten: Pilgerberichte als historische Quelle
Esch, Arnold. (2019) - In: Römische Quartalschrift für christliche Altertumskunde und Kirchengeschichte vol. 114 (2019) p. 56-79

6Essay  The Byzantine Emperor Michael VIII (1261-1282) and Greek Orthodox/Melkite-Genoese Cultural Agency in a Globalised World: Art at Sinai, Behdaidat, of the pallio of San Lorenzo in Genoa, and in Mamluk Egypt
Hunt, Lucy-Anne. (2019) - In: Ambassadors, artists, theologians p. 127-157

7Essay  The Kings of Egypt in Paolino Veneto's Universal Chronicles
Léglu, Catherine. (2019) - In: Paolino Veneto. Storico, narratore e geografo p. 57-92

8Collection of Essays  Across the mediterranean - along the Nile: studies in Egyptology, nubiology and Late Antiquity dedicated to László Török on the occasion of his 75th birthday (Vol. 1-2)
Bács, Tamás A.Bollók, ÁdamVida, Tivadar [Publ.]. - Budapest (2019)

9Essay  In the Name of the Minorities: Lisbon's Muslims as Emissaries from the King of Portugal to the Sultan of Egypt
Barros, Maria Filomena Lopes de. (2019) - In: Mamluk Cairo, a crossroads for embassies p. 711-724

10Articles  An Egyptian Hermit and Italian Laity: Domenico Cavalca, OP (d. 1341) and the Cult of the Desert Father Onuphrius
Radhakrishnan, Manu. (2018) - In: Aevum vol. 92 (2018) p. 309-392

11Articles  L'Égypte, le Nil, et les Égyptiens dans les spectacles de la Rome ancienne (Ier siècle a.C. - Ve siècle p.C.)
Forichon, Sylvain. (2018) - In: Latomus vol. 77 (2018) p. 99-129

12Collection of Essays  The Eastern desert of Egypt during the Greco-Roman period. Archaeological reports (Techniques and economies in the Ancient Mediterranean).
Brun, Jean-PierreFaucher, ThomasRedon, BérangèreSidebotham, Steven E. [Publ.]. - Paris (2018)

13Essay  Isis as the embodiment of nature in ancient Rome: how gardens within ancient Roman temples celebrated memories of Egypt.
Bommas, Martin. (2018) - In: The Iseum Campense from the Roman Empire to the Modern Age p. 99-111

14Essay  La Cerámica Oriental de Siria y Egipto en Barcelona
Beltrán de Heredia Bercero, JuliaMiró i Alaix, Nuria. (2018) - In: XIth Congress AIECM3 on Medieval and modern period Mediterranean ceramics proceedings p. 61-73

15Essay  Koptische und samaritanische Handschriften und Fragmente im Interesse französischer und italienischer Gelehrter des 17. Jahrhundert
Grafinger, Christine Maria. (2018) - In: Studi Sergio Pagano Pt. 1 p. 801-822

16Essay  "Tierras de Egipto": imagined journeys to the east in the early vernacular literature of medieval Iberia
Desing, Matthew Vernon. (2018) - In: Remapping travel narratives (1000-1700). To the East and back again p. 89-109

17Monographie  Florence's Embassy to the Sultan of Egypt: An English Translation of Felice Brancacci's Diary
Yousefzadeh, Mahnaz. - Cham (2018)

18Essay  Egipto, Granada y Castilla: Estrategias y convergencias en la arquitectura del poder
Ruiz Souza, Juan Carlos. (2017) - In: Las artes en al-Andalus y Egipto p. 207-232

19Articles  Los contactos comerciales en Barcelona a través de la cerámica: Oriente (Siria, Egipto e Irán) y el norte de África, siglos XIII-XV
Beltrán de Heredia Bercero, JuliaMiró i Alaix, Nuria. (2017) - In: Quarhis vol. 13 (2017) p. 112-135

20Essay  Insurgent Identities, Destructive Discourses, and Militarized Massacre: French Armies on the Warpath against Insurgents in the Vendée, Italy, and Egypt
Robson, Fergus. (2017) - In: Unfolding a Mountain. A Historical Archaeology of Modern and Contemporary Cave Use p. 133-154

RI-Opac SearchMatches: 323