RI OPAC: Literature Database for the Middle Ages - Listing over 2.9 million titles

RI-Opac SearchMatches: 2833

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Descriptors: Technikgeschichte

1Essay  Inverted syphons and roman hydraulic technology
Kessener, Paul. (2023) - In: Ingeniería hidráulica romana. VI Congreso Internacional p. 67-103

2Essay  Useful knowledge, technological innovation and economic development in thè European ceramic industries, 14th-18th centuries.
Laliena Corbera, Carlos. (2023) - In: L'economia della conoscenza. Innovazione, produttività e crescita economica nei secoli XIII-XVIII p. 419-430

3Essay  Technologický pruzkum a experimentální výroba replik šperku z pohrebište Triangl
Barcáková, Ludmila. (2023) - In: Rane stredoveké pohrebište Triangl v Praze-Strešovicích p. 117-133

4Essay  What Is a Book? The Ideology of Materiality in Ancient Greek and Roman Writing Technology
Reggiani, Nicola. (2023) - In: New Approaches to the Materiality of Text in the Ancient Mediterranean p. 95-107

5Essay  Ripensare il medioevo siciliano nell'Ottocento: il neo-normanno fra storicismo e tecnologia.
Cianciolo Cosentino, Gabriella. (2023) - In: Recueil Xavier Barral i Altet p. 685-695

6Essay  Bookkeeping as a ‘key technology ' of pre-modern commerce. Its relevance for the economic development in Europe
Denzel, Markus A.. (2023) - In: L'economia della conoscenza. Innovazione, produttività e crescita economica nei secoli XIII-XVIII p. 209-236

7Collection of Essays  Media Technologies and the Digital Humanities in Medieval and Early Modern Studies
Scherff, Katharine D.Sobehrad, Lane J. [Publ.]. - Abingdon (2023)

8Collection of Essays  Technology in Irish literature and culture
Kelleher, MargaretO'Sullivan, James [Publ.]. - Cambridge (2023)

9Monographie  Sklo vrcholného stredoveku v severozápadních a západních Cechách: typologie, technologie, chemie [High medieval glass in Northwest and West Bohemia: typology, technology, chemistry]
Cerná, EvaGaul, David JosephZlámalová Cílová, ZuzanaHanáková, KláraFaltusová, VeronikaTomeš, Martin. - Plzen (2023)

10Collection of Essays  Tecnología, ciencia y naturaleza en la historia de las mujeres
Sánchez Romero, MargaritaLlona Gonález, Miren [Publ.]. - Albolote (2023)

11Monographie  Ship timbers from the Islamic sites of al-Balid and Qalhat, Oman: sewn-plank technology in the Indian Ocean during the 10-16th centuries CE
Ghidoni, Alessandro. - Oxford (2023)

12Collection of Essays  Tecnologías e infraestructuras productivas en los espacios interiores de la Corona de Aragón (siglos XIV-XVI)
Navarro Espinach, GermánVillanueva Morte, Concepción [Publ.]. - Murcia (2023)

13Articles  Instrumental jawari: on gender, slavery, and technology in medieval Arabic sources
Balafrej, Lamia. (2023) - In: al-Usur al-wusta vol. 31 (2023) p. 96-126

14Essay  Ships, shipping, technological change and global economic growth, 1400-1800
Unger, Richard W.. (2023) - In: L'economia della conoscenza. Innovazione, produttività e crescita economica nei secoli XIII-XVIII p. 373-394

15Essay  The Agents and Mechanics of Connectivity The Mediterranean World and the Cities of the Guadiana Valley in the Sixth Century
Wood, Jamie. (2023) - In: Rome and Byzantium in the Visigothic Kingdom. Beyond Imitatio Imperii p. 317-344

16Articles  Mechanics of Royal Generosity: The Gifts from the Wedding of King Matthias Corvinus and Beatrice of Aragon (1476)
Pastrnak, Patrik. (2023) - In: Speculum vol. 98 (2023) p. 802-825

17Articles  In search of Ancient simplicity: stylistic, ornamental, and technological sources for Early Cisterian stained glass
Utzig, Joanna. (2023) - In: Journal of glass studies vol. 65 (2023) p. 117-140

18Essay  Utillaje para la producción y elaboración del vino: una aproximación a su tecnología
Mingorance Ruiz, José Antonio. (2023) - In: La Edad Media en la Europa meridional. Gentes, dinámicas y procesos p. 203-228

19Articles  Urban Heterogeneity and Technological Innovation in the Roman Empire
Flohr, Miko. (2023) - In: Journal of urban archaeology vol. 8 (2023) p. 127-145

20Articles  The Practice of Men and the Enactments of Emperors: Dynamics of Change in the Mechanics of Testaments
Meyer, Elizabeth A.. (2023) - In: Roman legal tradition vol. 19 (2023) p. 1-21

RI-Opac SearchMatches: 2833