RI OPAC: Literature Database for the Middle Ages - Listing over 2.9 million titles

RI-Opac SearchMatches: 271795

Search Results

Descriptors: Western Europe

1Essay  Satisfying soldiers and discharging emperors: the military propaganda of the emperors Gallienus and Postumus through the Lugdunum/Colonia Claudia Ara Agrippinensium's mint coinage
Serrano Ordozgoiti, David. (2025) - In: Coins, Riches, and Lands. Paying for Military Manpower in Antiquity and Early Medieval Times p. 107-122

2Essay  The settlement of the Alani in Late Antique Gaul
Wijnendaele, Jeroen W. P.Halsall, Guy. (2025) - In: Coins, Riches, and Lands. Paying for Military Manpower in Antiquity and Early Medieval Times p. 203-210

3Book Series Louvain monographs in theology and religious studies
- Leuven [u.a.] (2024 -)

4Book Series Studies in Byzantine cultural history
- London [u.a.] (2024 -)

5Book Series Architecture and the arts in early modern Italy
- London [u.a.] (2024 -)

6Book Series Histoire générale et anthropologie des musiques populaires en France
- Turnhout (2024 -)

7Book Series British School at Athens, Modern Greek and Byzantine Studies
- London [u.a.] (2024 -)

8Book Series Europa Humanistica. La France des humanistes
- Turnhout (2024 -)

9Monographie  Historische atlas van Nederland: hoe ons land in 2000 jaar is ingericht
Rutte, Reinout. - Bussum (2024)

10Essay  Appliquer la " réforme " carolingienne ? Retour sur quelques établissements communautaires de Bourgogne (VIIIe-Xe siècle)
Deflou-Leca, Noëlle. (2024) - In: Ordonner l'Église. Communautés cléricales et communautés monastiques dans le monde carolingien (VIIIe-Xe siècle) p. 37-48

11Essay  Expériences bénédictines en Aquitaine du Nord sous Louis le Pieux: contribution à l'histoire de la diffusion de la regula Benedicti à l'époque carolingienne
Treffort, Cécile. (2024) - In: Ordonner l'Église. Communautés cléricales et communautés monastiques dans le monde carolingien (VIIIe-Xe siècle) p. 49-84

12Articles  A previously unrecorded copy of a Middle English medical text in Wellcome MS 408
Griffin, Carrie. (2024) - In: Notes and queries vol. 71, 1 (2014) p. 24-25

13Collection of Essays  Medieval Welsh Literature and its European Contexts: Essays in Honour of Professor Helen Fulton
Flood, Victoria [Publ.]. - Cambridge (2024)

14Articles  Old Frisian studies in the seventeenth century: the Oxford manuscripts
Dekker, Kees. (2024) - In: Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik vol. 84 (2024) p. 62-93

15Essay  Charles V, king of France, and Humfrey, duke of Gloucester
De Hamel, Christopher. (2024) - In: Essays Barbara A. Shailor p. 31-42

16Monographie  Medieval Irish Architecture and the Concept of Romanesque. Building Traditions in Eleventh- and Twelfth-Century Europe
O'Keeffe, Tadhg. - London (2024)

17Monographie  An Introduction to Literary Debate in Late Medieval France: From Le Roman de la Rose to La Belle Dame sans Mercy
McRae, Joan Elise. - Gainesville, Fla. (2024)

18Collection of Essays  Rethinking the Renaissance and Reformation in Scotland: Essays in Honour of Roger A. Mason
Reid, Steven John [Publ.]. - Woodbridge (2024)

19Essay  The New Chronicles of England and France in New England
Boffey, Julia. (2024) - In: Essays Barbara A. Shailor p. 67-78

20Essay  Cyprianus of Toulon, the Codex Coloniensis 212 and the Intellectual Culture of Post-Roman Gaul
Mathisen, Ralph Whitney. (2024) - In: Studies Jan Willem Drijvers p. 165-180

RI-Opac SearchMatches: 271795