RI OPAC: Literature Database for the Middle Ages - Listing over 2.8 million titles

RI-Opac SearchMatches: 12

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Title Words: Workmanship

1Articles  ‘A cloister of curious workmanship': the patronage of St. Stephen's cloisters within the Palace of Westminster in the early sixteenth century
Biggs, Elizabeth C.. (2022) - In: Historical Research vol. 95 (2022) p. 309-333

2Articles  Pure gold with poor workmanship - some unusual pieces of polychrome metalwork from the 5th-century Carpathian basin
Horváth, EszterMozgai, ViktóriaBajnóczi, Bernadett. (2019) - In: Archeometriai mühely vol. 16 (2019) p. 43-56

3Essay  Marble Sarcophagi of Roman Dalmatia Material – Provenance – Workmanship
Koch, Guntram. (2018) - In: ASMOSIA 11 p. 809-826

4Essay  The Alabaster Tomb at Ashwellthorpe, Norfolk: its Workmanship, Cost and Location
Heslop, Thomas Alexander. (2012) - In: Patrons and professionals in the Middle Ages p. 333-346

5Articles  The Italian Giant Bibles, Lay Patronage, and Professional Workmanship (11th-12th centuries) ; appendice ; figure 2 ; figure 7
Yawn, Lila. (2010) - In: Cahiers électroniques d'histoire textuelle du Lamop vol. 3 (2010)

6Essay  The Lord's Crucifix of costly workmanship": Colour, Collaboration and the Making of Meaning on the Well of Moses
Nash, Susie. (2010) - In: Circumlitio. The polychromy of antique and mediaeval sculpture p. 356-381

7Articles  Tam forma quam materia mirabili: workmanship, material, and value in a twelfth-century portable altar.
Gerry, Kathryn B.. (2009 - 2011) - In: The journal of the Walters Art Museum vol. 68/69 (2009/11) p. 53-66

8Essay  The Stages of Workmanship of the Corinthian Capital in Proconnesus and its Export Form
Asgari, Nusin. (1988) - In: Classical Marble. Geochemistry, Technology, Trade p. 113-125

9Articles  The "De opificio Dei". The Workmanship of God and Lactantius
Roots, Peter A.. (1987) - In: The classical quarterly vol. 81 (1987) p. 466-486

10Articles  Conference with the Queen of Fairies: a study of Jonson's workmanship in "The Alchemist"
McCullen, Joseph T.. (1950 - 1951) - In: Studia neophilologica vol. 23 (1950/51) p. 87-95

11Monographie  Arts ans crafts in the Middle Ages: a description of mediaeval workmanship in several of the departments of applied art, together with some account od special artisans in the early Renaissance
Addison, Julia de Wolf Gibbs. - London (1908)

12Articles  On a reliquary or shrine, of supposed Italian workmanship, in the possession of Mr Buchanan Scott, Ipswich
White, C. H. Evelyn. (1885 - 1890) - In: Proceedings of the Suffolk Institute of Archaeology and Natural History vol. 6 (1885/90) p. 302-311

RI-Opac SearchMatches: 12